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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. So yeah I'm pretty sure she just never washed. That was the problem there. And I'll tell you this...if I saw that shit, I'd be out of there faster than an illegitimate father
  2. That pic will haunt me forever
  3. Hell nah when me and the homies shower together we keep it ice cold
  4. I have a really bad feeling about this thread.
  5. I can't find Paegan Terrorism Tactics on YouTube anymore. They cracked down
  6. See this is why I get intimidated when I see you posting you've made me cry 6 times all I did was ask you for 60 dollars now you call me a puss wtf like I'm afraid for my life right now PLZ DON'T HURT ME YOU'RE ACTING CRAZY
  7. See that never happens to me I just get fucking cold.
  8. Don't know if innuendo or literal
  9. Mine's aight
  10. Most people I ask have never heard of them. They fucking rule.
  11. Use your imagination
  12. Too bad because it already happens everyday dude
  13. See I knew y'all were demons
  14. Maybe not in the way you were thinking lulz
  15. Every woman I've ever been with takes insanely hot showers, and when I try to shower with them it's just horrible. I like hot showers too but it's like painfully hot
  16. I do too but not so hot that my skin comes off lol
  17. In my experience most do
  18. Y'all shave in that shit too I bet
  19. Like holy shit. It's like Satan's bathwater
  20. You weren't supposed to say that dammit
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