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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. My everything is trash bruh
  2. True. Lol at least I got my carrot wet before I croaked
  3. I came out to fuck this girl and my battery died on the way home. Now I'm stranded in a sketchy lumber yard in the pitch black. Might die. It's been real.
  4. So i stand behind everything I said. If you run up on a comic and smack them, some of them are going to fire back. Simple 🤷‍♂️ You're not the first person to call me white. Lol it's pretty funny to me cause I swear I remember being called a spic, wetback, chink, gook and various other shit by both white and black kids growing up. That's cool tho make sure to go back and remind the racist hicks that jumped me and took all my money when I was in fifth grade that I'm white. Lol I'm sure they'll be quick to apologize for their mistake. Make sure to tell the kids that used to beat my ass every day and call me a stupid Mexican that I'm white as well. I mean we should clear up the misunderstanding asap lol. I'm sure they never meant to attack a white kid. Make sure to let my dad know that he's a white man as well. I'm sure he'll be thrilled. Honestly, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was calling you out on your name or any shit like that. It wasn't my intention. You're right, I can't speak on black problems. I'm not black. But I'm also not fucking white. I got scars to prove it. It's cool tho. You win here cause more people fuck with you on this little board than me. Congrats. Best of luck to you. Side note. Don't try that smacking a comic shit in Detroit. Most of them carry lol.
  5. Heres the last thing ill say about it as someone who has been doing stand up for four years. First of all this isnt a race issue. Will wasnt supposed to "play nice for the white folks" he was supposed to conduct himself like a professional. If he felt some type of way he could have pressed chris after. There are obvious double standards here. Ive heard comics (professional and local) rip on dudes for having no hair and nobody bats an eye. But one millionaire actress princess gets the same treatment and you really think the comic deserves to be physically attacked? Please never come to a comedy show. Chris Rock didnt do anything but there are plenty of comics who will. This is why im trying to close this "we can attack comics that offend us now" door some people seem bent on opening because the fresh prince did it and mostly got away with it. It wont end well for anyone. At best youll just get kicked out. At worst youll get your shit rocked and go to fucking jail. Seriously lets be adults here. Walking up to someone in the middle of the show and doing a bunch of yelling after you land a weak ass smack in a setting where that type of shit isnt expected doesnt make you a man. Walking up on the dude man to man and confronting him about it and going from there does but its all good. Hes rich so he can assault people and its cool i guess lol idk. I think youd be singing a completely different tune if it was your man that got smacked. Secondly lets not pretend that baldness is a fucking disability. Shes not in a wheelchair or handicapped in anyway. She cant grow her hair. Thats very sad but again dudes get that rip all the time and nobody gets smacked for it Bottom line if you think running up on comics and popping them because you didnt like something they said is ok i really hope you dont pop the wrong one lol
  6. Cuckarot
  7. Lmao so weinstein, epstein, and pauly shore just never happened in his mind?
  8. I insulted this dude for having a douchey haircut and he showed me girls he fucked on tinder and called me ugly lol thats as bad as its gotten for me 😂
  9. I dont disagree it was a bad joke but chris rock was up there doing his job. You dont just walk up and crack someone while theyre working. Especially over that weak ass joke. Willard was clearly being commanded by jada. Dude was laughing hard af till she looked at him sideways. He looks corny for that. He looks even cornier for stealing on a 120 pound 60 year old man and not dropping him
  10. I mean the joke was in poor taste but it was a joke yo 🤷
  11. If i fucked him up im sure you cucked him too lol
  12. Css can suck my mediocre penis
  13. Dude took me 3 tries. Lol wtf he was waaaay easier than margit. Slow ass windups, predictable patterns and a light ass second phase. I expected way worse
  14. Go get some ass. Fuck you doing here? Lol
  15. This is really how ive felt since bloodborne and you worded it funny af 😭 Not all the bosses are ugly. Dancer from ds3 can catch meat
  16. Hey how did you get over this? This shit shook me mainly because i could have been seriously injured and i never thought it would happen to me. Serious question lol
  17. His name should be meatball
  18. Lol good work bro. It literally took me like 50 tries mostly because of his second phase. His first phase is really easy. The jump hammer attack took me forever to learn how to avoid for some reason and i was to afraid to just run up and attack. Took some punishment but i ended up beating him comfortably when i just ran up on him
  19. He actually isnt that bad. Just gotta get aggressive with him. I fought the OG version too cause i havent updated this game
  20. Idk dude im fucking dead
  21. Update. Died. Shit is ass. Mostly a void. A found a big group of people wearing white nikes. They seem chill
  22. It was your mom homie. I was eating her ass so good she fucking fell on me
  23. But i feel ok i think. Am i going to die?
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