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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I said bring me it not eat it. Fucks wrong wit you
  2. I never fucked with the hidden bosses. Theres one woth a big ass fetus for an arm that can instakill you and apparently its the hardest boss in the game
  3. I enjoyed bloodborne and ds3. Honestly i had a hardet time with ds3 but it was also more fulfilling when i beat it. The lore and design of ds3 was dope to. Big ass castles and knights
  4. I have a shit ton of genesis games that i still havent played because im stuck on fucking batman forever
  5. Nah. Bring ME a damn pizza
  6. Wus that
  7. Is it a mcmuff dive? THANK YOU. HERE ALL WEEK HAHA
  8. Lol thank you for calling me a comedian
  9. Havent cracked it yet. Playing batman on the genesis rn
  10. Sounds fucking kinky. Hell yea
  11. Gotta try harder bruh. You aint put in enough work lol
  12. Lmao i just saw dragon nuts
  13. Im totally going to wander too far. I want to see some goddamn dragons lol
  14. Shit sucks fat ass
  15. Ive beaten souls 3 and bloodborne. How brutal is it in comparison?
  16. Feeling better today for no reason
  17. Ah good well thats comforting
  18. Im about to graduate. Im on the last half of my last semester and i suddenly dont care anymore lol. Like people keep asking me what job im gonna get and i have no answer. Ive been invited to several job fairs and did not go. I thought it would just go away but its actually getting worse. Like i REALLY dont care if i even get shit done anymore and im unmotivated as shit. Is this normal?
  19. I want that salt and pepper sack
  20. My meat still gets hard with this cialus thats all that matters
  21. I call it my cocaine whisker
  22. I mean shit i cant do nuffin bout that. Thats on her. She has these side dudes that dont lay that pipe right. I didnt do it
  23. Who hurt you? Youre a damn savage
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