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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Lets rock! I'll piece you up with the God of thunder!
  2. This thread is off to a great start!
  3. I want you to know I'm insanely jealous of you
  4. I'll stomp that ass with Raiden
  5. Got my gyro! I'm so full i could shit out the Parthanon
  6. As long as i have grape leaves and a place to sleep idgaf 😄
  7. Fuck around and pop you 😣
  8. Who you getting smart with tho?
  9. Let's go!
  10. Make me a fat ass gyro bitch
  11. Also consider what naraku said about dating a coworker. At least understand that if shit goes bad things could be awkward at work. But ultimately it's up to you whether that deters you or not
  12. Try to drum up a conversation first. If it goes well ask if she wants to chill outside of work. Avoid the word date for now.
  14. I think you definitely underestimate yourself, poof. I see the shit you post on here. You know a lot of shit, girl
  15. No but this isn't the first time you've been very right about something lmao it's weird. What's your iq? Are you like a genius or some shit?
  16. You scare me sometimes. It's like you're psychic. That's pretty much what it is. Nobody was putting her in films so she just wanted to do something. She took serious initiative. Wrote the script, trained me, hired a crew, and shot the thing in just two weeks.im super proud of her, and i seriously want her to look good in it. Plus I've never done a fight scene before
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