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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Not a bad idea mate
  2. Not till next year
  3. Idk why but homeless people always come up to me and just say really obscure shit. I was at the Greyhound bus station and this conversation literally happened Homeless guy: yo man you got $5 Me: nah Hg: I get more ass than a toilet seat Me: *nervous laugh* Hg: yeah man my willy Johnson so big if I pulled it out in Pennsylvania I'd get an indecent exposure charge all the way in New York Me: that's nice. Hg: keep God in your heart man Me: ok
  4. C'mon bro. We can fuck.
  5. He sounds like he's fucking 14 lmao!
  6. oooohhh my momma would have tore my ass tf up!
  7. Im actually doing a bit about it next week lol
  8. you want five guys to feed you fried chicken?
  9. Very similar to that actually
  10. No it's a fake housekey that has a knife hidden inside of it
  11. Strong possibility is strong
  12. I don't have any housekey knife material so I'm gonna chalk this up to random generosity haha
  13. Like he just walked up and gave it to me for no reason. It's a fake housekey with a knife in it. Shit was mad random
  14. So your phone is ass too?
  15. Brb buying novelty
  16. I'm almost positive someone on here wants to see that lol
  17. I get on here with my computer sometimes but only when my phone is shitting out on me
  18. Who needs 23 and me when you've got UEMB lol
  19. I get that alot. My first name is Greek but that's just because my mom thought it sounded cool lol
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