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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews
You got that right. Having dignity and respect with a small group of people matters a lot more. Being happy is more important than being famous. Chris Chan IS famous, but it's entirely made of people mocking him. His fame IS people mocking him. That's what he's famous for: Getting trolled a lot. Fame isn't just how many people know your name, it's how much they know your "pet names" or Nicknames. You know, things you can't cash in on... JM, James, Joe, Matthew, End Times, Journals, Apocalypse, post-apocalypse. THESE are my "famous names"
No body recognizes me, but type J.M. into a Google or DeviantArt Search, holy shit I AM famous!
Pretty sure he never chopped off his actual wang and is probably just a cross dresser. Common Mistake.
He might be very infamous/autistic / Troll baitey and awkard/gross in some ways, but he is technically a famous/infamous cartoonist and internet celebrity. Not a beloved one, but he is famous...Technically he's more famous than I've ever been. I'll say that much.
Pure Hate. Oh, I see! It all makes sense now! It really does! I could write an article about every sentence in this paragraph about how not to write criticism online.
Wow, I can hardly argue with that positive wisdom and logic. DIsmissed... You're "logic" hardly has any. You sound more like a hateful murderous stereotypical internet nerdcore hater. Just saying. I have no desire to toss myself out to the direction you're going. Troll on your own time, not other people's.
That's the difference between me and you Jizz. I don't define importance by net worth. Plenty of billionaires are convicted felons. Care to explain that part?...You seem to be trolling mostly so I'll let you keep posting. I like MC Chris and his albums, I don't need to rant to verify that. Happy ranting.
Royalties don't stop just because someone's career does for a while. Remember Jhonen? I could say the same thing about him for sitting on his ass for 15 - 20 years and hardly doing anything, but if people want to support him, I probably wouldn't go out of my way to stop them from doing that, because I respect the right of the public to support artists who put out good projects. And yes, he's done at least 20 above average tracks, but I hear Jhonen's fans hate him, last time I read Immortalizing the Moment, so this is hardly surprising. Most adult swim posters used to be Jhonen Vasquez fans and they have the exact same mental disability toward being happy for anyone but themselves.
"Hot hot hot! 22 replies!" lulz
You should get paid for what you actually DO well, if you want to smoke weed and eat chips for stuff you DON'T get paid for, go ahead. Why should I give a shit?
That Guy And his well known comic I always figured it was a hoax. But no, he's actually real, far as I can tell...He's posted too many home movies and there's too much written about him for it to be a hoax...
It's my shield Talisman. Don't punch me!
Anyone else watch Dexter Poin?
If you're talking about the Gov IRS, then yes.
Fame = $$$,$$$ about no more than 60% of the time. ESPECIALLY in the YouTube era. And yes, MC Chris is a great musician. Just because not everyone thinks he's good at rapping doesn't mean everyone does.
Yeah man, why is Nicolas Cage in $24 million in debt. That obviously means he's got no acting chops. But seriously, Tons of celebrities have essentially no or very little money. MC Hammer. Kanye West. Those names comes to mind. But it's more common of a thing with celebrities recently, somewhere in the 2000s lot's of famous people owe thousands or millions in debt. Don't you watch the docs?
Now he's MC Chris Chan, or so I heard...
It's when one of you're parents dies when you become an adult. THAT'S when things can really go to shit. You have to be careful. My brother's family is so fucked. I have no desire to sit around watching their alcohol-induced downward, parental, out of control spiral. Yeah, they're all gonna kill themselves, as long as they don't give themselves space from each other. A family of 2 25-year-old parents and their 3 little kids sleeping in one tiny room in his Dad's house. The fuck?? Makes me glad I got a small apartment-house all to myself now. They only WISH they could live like I do
You have to be careful around narcissists and sociopaths. They don't make for very safe or welcoming families.
I'm a power-hungry egotist who likes to be in complete control of his environment (i.e. I'm a born leader), That's why I was so socially successful in animation college (art school). I was in control of my situation purely due to my confidence, independence, and charisma with friends and agreeable family. It was an environment conducive to that. Damn right I leave somewhere if I'm not in control. Maybe not right away, but if circumstances favor it to one degree or another. Things aren't always favorable to elements like that, but when they are favorable, you better look out. The thing is, if someone's morbidly jealous of you and your freedom, they could try to sabotage you from being in an environment conducive to your personality. That's the person you need to leave behind. The more powerless you feel should be a red flag that's the more you need to seek opportunities elsewhere. Not having control over your social situation is the absolutely more horrid feeling. I avoid it at all costs.