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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. Why are they only archives now? Why did you make those inactive?? Were they not popular enough? Can we lobby to bring them back?
  2. Yup! I'm kind of excited for them...
  3. Any questions about my comics I draw? Hey. I Gotta hype my main shit somewhere official! That's right, I'm pulling a Sonichu. So if you want to tell me I suck ass, I guess that's okay too. Shoot away. And yes, there is an upcoming new ebook release scheduled sometime this or next month if I can figure out how to edit it. The ebook sold around 3-6,000 copies The webcomic is on 80,000 views. We ain't goin nowhere, cuz it's Bad Boy fo Lyfe. I'm sure there might be some questions about End Times (The comic, not the religion)
  4. What is this place? Is this still the Adult Swim Message Boards? Or has it "gone beyond that" I see a lot of the same people are still here, both good and trolls, better and worse so to speak. But is this still the same place? Remember, this place USED TO BE the OFFICIAL Adult Swim Forum, is it still? Let's take a minute to think about this.
  5. Holy shit am i being negligent in my board duties. Wait, WHAT duties??
  6. Update: That's been happening at almost every media outlet. Either something is in the water or "Me Too" is not entirely a lie.
  7. Awwww shiznit! Someone finally brings up something I know a few things about!
  8. Well, I'm not preaching nationalism, at least not in my own mind. The definition of Eurasian after all means "of more than one nation-continent." The reason I'm interested in national styles is that I'd like to learn more about each individual national style, each on its own before I go about borrowing from or combining national styles. I've read numerous books on Asian and Japanese culture, and, one part mentions "Asian National Pride", meaning Asians care a lot about "National Pride". Is it nationalism? Maybe, but I don't think Asians view it that way. They just want to glorify their own culture. Asian Pride is to Asians what Patriotism is to North Americans. As for me, I confuse a lot more people than just critics! lol
  9. Honestly, I think in terms of Asian and American culture, Asia tends to be much more biased than Westerners in favor of national identity and heritage. I don't know WHY nationality matters so much to the international community. I just know that's how they've viewed it for a long time.
  10. Well, that is kind of true. But If you ask me, I do believe that national art and writing styles have a "spiritual unconscious" element to them. When we talk about national style like American, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, There seems to be some kind of spiritual collective in artists of certain nationalities. French artists are most powerful when they draw like French Artist Russian Writers write most powerfully like Russian Writers. In American Academia, we're taught that every person is unique, but I've always felt artists draw most like what's in their DNA on a spiritual and unconscious level. I know this idea might be controversial or provocative, or disputed, but I think in terms of art and writing conforming to the national style of one's heritage can help one find a creative voice. This strikes me as an Asian or European way of looking at things, but then again, it goes back to my theory. Feeling a spiritual kinship to certain nationalities and ethnicities is okay. That could very well be you hidden DNA telling you something psychological and revealing something about you. If an American feels a kinship towards the Japanese artists and culture, how do we know he or she wasn't Japanese on some minute DNA level, or in a past life?
  11. So damn lonely. There's a lot written about Europe and Asia and Africa, but hardly anything is written about people with heritage from both or all three... How the hell am I going to know what my natural art or writing style might look like if there are no fellow artist?? No racist or xenophobic comments, please.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/groups/732527817138650/ The Manga-ka Cartoonists Community Facebook Google+ If you post daily or weekly art online, and are interested in people who have a passion for art, books, literature, comics, manga, and anime, please join and post some of your art! You're welcome to join as long as you have some form of correspondence or creative work to share or show off, and you're not an actual troll or bully.
  13. It's fairly decent. Here's a short list of the pluses: You'll probably get a larger audience and following for your writing there than most other social media non-blog writing sites. Which is probably the site's strongest feature. You can get more engagement there for the literature you post there. It's fairly easy to structure your posts there It's not just a forum free for all Also, there's a fair amount of social media element between writers and the community. It has a much larger audience for newbies than Scribd.com ever had, closest thing in existence to it. I found out about them through them being on LInkedIn and contacting me when they were promoting their site to writing pros. I just recently started using Prose, and it's worked out pretty well for me. I want to keep writing short prose for them.
  14. The only thing I really hate about Chris Chan is he endorses his own sex taboo and the bad drawings he does (that's all of them. Even I used to do GOOD Drawings. And I still do good drawings. He's never done ANY good drawings.). Who does that!
  15. Yes, I very much am. I also get compared to Tezuka Osamu, JRR Tolkien, HP Lovecraft, and Jack Kerouac. I'm an author and I write dark fantasy concepts and short stories so that makes sense in some ways. J.M. Matthews has SOME Googleshare, but not a lot. Lately outside of some posting at Twitter, Lulu, DeviantArt, and the social media writing site Prose , I haven't published a ton, which is why I get fewer results on Google. Also, I don't know why my twitter handle doesn't show up on my google results. It's @JMMatthewsMedia , not the other JM Matthews guy pretending to be me. He's a dickrider
  16. I can no longer drink sugary sodas because it killed my teeth, and I moved out of my parents' house. Where's the wiki about that, man!
  17. Some people have compared me to people like Obama and Kanye and Chris Chan, among others. If it was only Chris Chan I was compared to, THEN I'd be worried. There is some generally interesting stuff about Chris on Wiki's recently. It used to be just all mean trolling pot shots, when his hype was at it's peak. But after that died down I looked into his story and biography a bit more. Now he's more of a genuine internet celebrity and documentary-article subject with severe autism who draws webcomics.
  18. Not EVERYTHING written about Chris Chan is necessarily true. He can be fucked up at times, but some of it's just hype. Just a lot of it is folklore. It is written by trolls afterall. So much of his controversy is embellished. I don't know where the information starts and wiki-slander ends.
  19. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not entirely like or unlike Chris Chan, I'm not that extreme. But I can relate to the trolling he gets, which is why I don't publicly bash him like people. I'm just curious why he has so much internet hype behind him. I get some of the same kind of media trolling stuff online. Some people mock-insult and document me and my life the way they did him, but not to such a drastic extreme. Not to the point where I have no career as a result of getting trolled. Chris isn't really an industry worker. He's kind of known for being an outsider and punchline. I have some genuine industry credibility and respect mixed in with the slander. Plus his work is a fancomic, not an original work. But whatever it takes these days.
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