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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. Oh wow! You found her! There she is! It's like when I saw female classmates from high school and middle school on facebook the other day. But has she posted anything yet?
  2. SIgh. I miss her. She was so cute...
  3. https://www.deviantart.com/art/A-Commentary-1-of-60-for-this-series-718951682 https://jm-manga.deviantart.com/art/A-Commentary-Volume-2-aka-Chapter-2-718954241 https://jm-manga.deviantart.com/art/A-Commentary-3-719127150 https://jm-manga.deviantart.com/art/A-Commentary-4-719143934 https://jm-manga.deviantart.com/art/A-Commentary-5-719192705 https://jm-manga.deviantart.com/art/A-Commentary-6-719193269 https://jm-manga.deviantart.com/art/A-Commentary-7-719196657 https://jm-manga.deviantart.com/art/A-Commentary-8-719197693
  4. Aw fuck it, the files don't work. Shit. GIve me a few hours, I'll upload universal doc PDFs. Re-re Edit! Screw it, I'll link to the DeviantArt uploads, you can read them there...
  5. Just wondering. Where do we showcase our original writing?
  6. Escaflowne ep. 2 on my secondary monitor as I work on stuff. Second time watching it.
  7. Steven Universe soundtrack. AGAIN!
  8. Yes, I newest YouTube does get some traction here. well, by my standard anyway I had several YouTube accounts: Spindack (banned) (for uploading episodes SplitAtomBoom (banned) (for posting cartoon episodes) https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/splitatomboom Dopenose 555 (banned) For posting cartoon episodes Who knows, if you investigate those names on google, you migth still find traces of them. I never looked into it. Current ActionToonTV 2.0 (still alive) J.M. Matthews (Active) J.M. TAlking Head tweets. (active) Which YouTube Channel of mine did you watch? Let me know and I'll put the link to it in this thread....
  9. Basilisk the Ouka Ninja Scrolls 1
  10. heh heh! lol. Yes, Beavis and B-HEad is good. GREAT show. One of the greatest ever.
  11. My Dad and brother help me with that. I wouldn't worry about it...I'll probably need them with how much loss and depression I'm dealing with currently.
  12. What's good in the internet hood? What's the word on the street!?
  13. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
  14. Yeah, Leonardo is so awesome a character. I like how he tested Lupin and kind tricked him to test his resolve.
  15. I'm eyeing that Chuck Jones illustrated autobiography....I want some inspiration for my scripts..I need something to inspire me to write children's stories. Other than Otomo's Hipira of course..!
  16. You right, I haven't gotten a single response to my social media links. I don't think anyone's bothering to got there. I think I'll just leave them out if no one's going to click them. Maybe I should just give up with the links if that's the case. I guess I hoped someone would visit me through them. No one did.
  17. Okay, sorry about that, I guess I thought that by embedding videos it would make it easier for people to see the episode. I'll stop if that's how you guys really feel....If you guys have any complaints, just PM me, I promise I'll listen.
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