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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. i finally just found out he "reportedly" hung himself. what the fuck does "reportedly" really mean? is that like a hypothesis?
  2. when ever one of the folders is marked toonami or anime, here, [as], or really anywhere, i leave that folder untouched for the fans that want to talk about the shows. i think i knew they had a streaming chat, and i always knew you could sign in to play games. but i guess imma message boards-only kinda guy
  3. how did he do it?
  4. i like how theyre biggest single piece of evidence is that we cannot prove a god exists, when it is actually something harder to prove he does not exist, having the physical world as a tool to assess.
  5. the green blob is where the evil ones are, the purple explosion is something i dont understand, and the humans only hope is in one of the strange orbs surrounding the brightest blue star
  6. do you see any new space photos lately? https://nasasearch.nasa.gov/search/images?utf8=✓&affiliate=nasa&query=distant+galaxies http://pluto.tv/watch/nasa-tv?utm_source=chr-app&utm_term=4986810311021506275
  7. thats not you. how many other people do you lie to?
  8. no dont take it so verbally... its more of a metaphor for the balance of the fate of the earth and humans. are we raging our fists over hell, laughing and joking that we're so worthy and entitled?
  9. i was projecting on how things would be universally, infinitely, or religiously if the human race acted as a single unit. one race with one goal of peace and humanity on earth, in order to keep ourselves one with the universe and who we really are. as one, without consciously even realizing it, we unite and protect our earth and our interests to better mankind as our place in the universe is steadfast and ready for obstacles like facing evolution or divine intervention. then i was thinking what if disorder on earth means theres disorder in the universe. some kind of interstellar races are fighting over the power in the universe, and the fate of earth lies in the balance, and all of the chaos and problems on earth are just a symptom of the state of things ultimately in the universe. could our actions effect anything? do you believe in destiny?
  10. "The parents of two kids killed in the Sandy Hook massacre are suing conspiracy monger Alex Jones over his claims that the shooting was a hoax, according to new reports." -new york post


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  11. Image result for inside a russian orthodox church

    have you ever seen a church with kind of elaborate shrines and art?

    they are russian orthodox or other eastern orthodox.  they are very beautiful celebrations.

    im only bringing this up because of the elaborate praise i saw there, influenced me to believe

    that there is this human likeness to faith, religion, spirituality, praise, worship, and god that

    goes untouched and unwithered through time, and their love for one another is just as

    elaborate, they sing, clap and dance, and kiss and hug during the services.

    so of course,  i felt that it was too beautiful and too personal for me to fit in.

    really struggled with faith a lot in my life. 

    i always believe people paths, or their karma, the forces of nature and balance will solve the

    universe's problems.  i dont believe any of our human problems are something god worries

    about because they are on a level of man's understanding.  and i dont plan on being a bother to

    him, but i have faith that might be unfounded, like something my beliefs can always depend

    on so i have a stable way to articulate.  like a tutor.

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    1. quebecelegy


      yeah, religion when like that can be a beautiful thing.


      i've seen some gorgeous catholic churches.

      not really too religious myself, i'm too egotistical to rely on other things for my problems tbh.

      but i do see the intrinsic value in it.

    2. death_by_motorboat


      i met this guy that couldnt read.  he needed a friend because he had a problem with my neighbor

      and always needed to be stopping by our apartment building, so i had to either turn away the 

      honest friend looking for a way to be there when the neighbor got home, or let him into my home and

      enter a new friendship.  it was a really cool day.  lol i was hanging out with him, and somehow

      it ended up in him trading a big old tv for a broken coffee table.  then he finally caught up with the 

      guy that he was looking for.  it was a nice way to make a friend and he asked something about god.

      it was a few days before, that i went to that first visit to an orthodox.  since he couldnt read and he 

      wanted me to read the bible to him, i said why dont you take this book instead.  i gave him the

      narcotics anonymous big blue book 2006 edition, so when some other punk hits him up and

      he needs a friend hes got a book a of real prayer and real people that care about him.  i was hoping

      that was better than a bible to a man that cant read.

    3. quebecelegy


      have you talked to him since?

  12. http://wtvr.com/2018/06/07/locals-are-confused-by-trumps-claim-that-coast-guard-rescued-hurricane-watchers/

    "Locals are confused by Trump’s claim that Coast Guard rescued hurricane watchers"-wtvr.com

    POSTED 1:10 PM, JUNE 7, 2018, BY CNN WIRE
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  13. http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2149778/us-bill-calls-pentagon-send-troops-take-part-taiwan

    US bill calls for Pentagon to send troops to take part in Taiwan military drills

    PUBLISHED : Thursday, 07 June, 2018, 8:33pm
    UPDATED : Thursday, 07 June, 2018, 10:24pm
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  14. https://www.space.com/40246-spacex-not-to-blame-zuma-failure.html

    "SpaceX Not to Blame for Zuma Spy-Satellite Launch Failure: Report-" space.com

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