that chris tucker and chris rock are the same person.
think about it, have you ever seen chris tucker and chris rock in the same place at the same time?
if you have let me know, because i want both of his autographs on a rush hour/stand up special if hes selling them.
its weird how one person can be two people sometimes.
ok. i want to explain how this is funny in case anyone thinks i went overboard with a shitty joke.
so i was in high school and rush hour just came out and it was also about the same time the talents of chris rock began make him famous.
i saw a few short pieces of Rock's and was instantly a fan, meanwhile becoming a fan of the new exciting jackie chan martial arts movie,
when it first came out. i watched it a few times and forgot what rock looked like, meanwhile forgetting
chris tuckers name, so now i think chris rock is the guy in rush hour and the comedian too in my mind.
so now chris rock and chris tucker are one person in my mind, the comedian, actor, entertainer- all one guy, and i forgot they were two different people.
then years later looked at a rush hour box for a tape, and it said tucker, and im thinking wait chris TUCKER who the fuck is that?
i had to go look up who chris rock was to see how i made this mistake. do you see it in the picture comparison, how you could mistake
one for the other? i mean they obviously dont look very similar but 100% honest, i used to think they were the same person.