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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. "Human drug addiction behaviors tied to specific impairments in 6 brain networks"



  2. "Gun control supporters, be honest: Your only effective tool is confiscation-" l.a. times

    JUN 07, 2018 | 4:00 AM

  3. i dont know when im going to find enough resources to consider it a feed, it could take a week or two, or maybe never but its difficult for me to think of anything i want to post about on the main pages. topics are a lot more complicated than random posts for me. a lot of thinking goes into a topic, what kind of replies you expect, you know the whole rigmarole, so i want to make a feed on my profile page. im going to try to use the status feature and i think anyone with status updates enabled should too. please definitely check it out and like my stuff so i know you were there and we can follow each other.
  4. that doesnt put words in my mouth either, lupin.... im not racist pull this shit on somebody else. are you saying you if i dont agree that its insensitive to compare rock and tucker im racist?
  5. why are you joking so hard? no one answered the topic seriously. its a wasted really good topic. i wanted to give this thread a shot, but fuck it. imma stick by astros fucking joke instead. 15 pairs of panties wasnt single very long or isnt even single. who are all the sheets and things for? are you saying this person lived with their parents? i am imagining two adults here.
  6. actually said they dont look that similar but they are easy to mistake, thats different thats like saying john goodman looks like john candy... i really dont know where you are pulling the offended reaction from?
  7. hey i didnt say "white guys cant look the same" , i didnt say anything like "black guys all look the same".. if that answers your question. no its a joke that i forgot who chris rock was for like ten years
  8. .
  9. that chris tucker and chris rock are the same person. think about it, have you ever seen chris tucker and chris rock in the same place at the same time? if you have let me know, because i want both of his autographs on a rush hour/stand up special if hes selling them. its weird how one person can be two people sometimes. ok. i want to explain how this is funny in case anyone thinks i went overboard with a shitty joke. so i was in high school and rush hour just came out and it was also about the same time the talents of chris rock began make him famous. i saw a few short pieces of Rock's and was instantly a fan, meanwhile becoming a fan of the new exciting jackie chan martial arts movie, when it first came out. i watched it a few times and forgot what rock looked like, meanwhile forgetting chris tuckers name, so now i think chris rock is the guy in rush hour and the comedian too in my mind. so now chris rock and chris tucker are one person in my mind, the comedian, actor, entertainer- all one guy, and i forgot they were two different people. then years later looked at a rush hour box for a tape, and it said tucker, and im thinking wait chris TUCKER who the fuck is that? i had to go look up who chris rock was to see how i made this mistake. do you see it in the picture comparison, how you could mistake one for the other? i mean they obviously dont look very similar but 100% honest, i used to think they were the same person.
  10. yeah its that he always asks about my relatives every visit. he wants an update on their social lives and he wants to know about each time i see them. every single time he asks me if i saw my grandparents or spent anytime with them... how the fuck is that health related? what do we do together as a family, how things run in our family,... that kind of thing, and he tries to mix it in with stupid shit, like "hows work going" or "what did you do for the holidays" like following that up with "what are your grandparents doing for their anniversary" is somehow normal.. he thinks i like him or something hes a real freak
  11. well when toxicity was popular, there was an older album with popular songs, but its not any of the songs on the self titled. so i was major confuse. i was thinking and maybe its because there were so many hits on toxicity that it just created a mirage there was a previous big hits album.
  12. you dont mean Steal This Album do you? because thats not it.
  13. released between these 2 albums??? its racking my mind.
  14. alright im sad i made a negative thread now im going to have to explain what is really going on. this guy, hes sounds like lithuanian or deep eastern european and he looks kind of puerto rican, very tall, long-limbed, and skinny. hes also got parkinsons. im not sure what his descent is but hes a dark shade of white and very ethnic, with a very deep non-english accent, but it doesnt really sound hispanic, not sure. with all of his personal problems, and my respect that hes a nice old man, it still feel as though im "trying to earn his trust" somehow. i feel like i have some kind of responsibility to him, but hes kind of condescending leaving me knowing he disagrees with me. and i dont want a "friend" or "adviser" it just makes me feel like im talking to my dad. so i am changing it up, big deal sorry i wasted cyber space complaining.
  15. im looking at it negatively because im thinking "gay" porn. no one would pay me to do straight porn. as for you, maybe its different , but the only way id be in porn , is when im a really thin and light weight, and look like a queer ... no one would hire me to for straight porn, im just not hot enough... im not queer but im not afraid to go bi sometimes.
  16. dont do it. sex addiction is a horrible insanity that undermines humanity and makes everything animalistic and perverted. anchoring a life attribute in a addiction is against the health and wisdom of betterment of even life itself and we need to think about how what we do effects who we are. why would you resort to the perversion of ALL men and the fabric of your inner being being damaged to it, ignoring that it effects you on a level of confidence and perspective that can never be changed back to normal? think about from an experience level? why make shit worse? but yeah it would be a cool job.
  17. no, he thinks he knows me. its that general attitude, in life, that bothers me. just because you know who someone is and a little bit about them, doesnt mean things are personal. its weird sometimes, and in sometimes can be uncomfortable or even insulting if it touches something too personal.
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