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Everything posted by Cau

  1. Let's put on our aprons, grab a beer, and just grill for god's sake.
  2. Cau

    Did you know...

  3. How the fuck do you know where I live?
  4. Wow, you didn't even notice I showed up.
  5. Caubra Kai
  6. Cau

    UWU or OWO

  7. Cau

    UWU or OWO

    As abowove, so beluwu.
  8. Probably some prick who needs to be knocked down.
  9. if quack gets to go i think i should get to go too
  10. my condolences
  11. Uptown funk
  12. I WON'T
  13. I DON'T
  14. I don't wanna.
  15. Cau

    Porn thread

    no kissing on the mouth
  16. Cau

    Porn thread

    1. No kissing 2. Be Gentle
  17. Cau

    Porn thread

    r u trying 2 fuk me
  18. Cau

    Porn thread

    What is this? Where am i?
  19. @Raptorpatdo you know I'm in this thread?
  20. You all know me and i don't have porn on my phone.
  21. Pretty much same as always.
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