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Everything posted by _lost_username_

  1. Act now or lose Mars. That’s the June 7 message from the Planetary Society. The paper, titled “Mars in Retrograde,” raises concern that the U.S. timeline for putting a human on Mars by the 2030s will be undermined by lack of funding and challenges in U.S. leadership (cough, cough Republicans! cough, cough). They say there is simply “not much of a Mars program.” Anyway, the Planetary Society points out what they think needs to be done in the paper. WHY MARS? So why is going to Mars important? Well first, we will expand our scientific knowledge. We can learn more about “what went wrong on Mars” and “was there ever life on Mars?” Also, the technology developed to get to Mars will have benefits outside of the space mission. We already benefit from past space programs in our every day lives with items like enriched baby food, chemical detectors, anti-icing chemicals and much, much more. Will the paper have an impact? Probably not. The political landscape is aimed more at short-term social movement (forward or backwards) and economic concerns at the moment. With all its current drama, it seems as if getting into another country will be a problem for Americans, let alone getting to Mars. The Planetary Society is a non-governmental, nonprofit foundation involved in research, public outreach, and political advocacy for engineering projects related to astronomy, planetary science, and space exploration. It’s CEO is celebrity scientist Bill Nye. From, well, my blog: https://zoombubba.com/blog/2017/06/07/planetary-society-mars-is-slipping-away/
  2. It looks like CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) is now looking ahead to an even bigger successor of the 16.8 mile (26 kilometer) looped particle collider known as the Large Hadron Collider. The LHC is most famous for the discovery of the Higgs Boson in 2012. The Higgs boson, dubbed the “God Particle” on its initial release, is one of the particles responsible for the existence of mass. Of course, calling something a “God Particle” got certain crowds’ undies in a wad. But, you know, they moved back to the “war on Christmas” and “Obama is a Kenyan” conspiracy theories soon afterward. But anyway, this new loop will be from 50-62 miles (80-100 kilometers) around. No date is set in stone, but it helps to note that it took 30 years for the current LHC to come into existance. As far as what that even bigger collider can do: Now you may wonder “what the heck have we got out of CERN?” Well, aside from knowledge it has helped in the development of hadron therapies for treating cancer and medical imaging advances. Which translates to “longer and better lives.” The hopes are that LHS 2.0 could lead to more radiation-resistant materials that can carry greater power, which would be applicable to future nuclear reactors and power networks. Of course, I guess opening a hole to a demon dimension is always possible to. From my site: https://zoombubba.com/blog/2017/06/06/cern-talks-new-lhc/
  3. After getting banned under my Josey account for the seventh time, I decided to keep away from forums until the election was over. Now I'm back and I noticed that there's STILL an Election 2016 thread. * I mean, come on. Isn't it about time we move on to another even number which is between 2016 and 2020? (*can I still say "back" if this is a totally new website that I had to hunt down via google search which led me to reddit which led me to a freeboard which led me to here? Did any mods make it here to say what finally led to the plug being pulled so suddenly on ASMB?) Anyway, shameless website plug: https://www.zoombubba.com
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