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Everything posted by _lost_username_

  1. Kevin Bacon bacon anyone? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/02/27/celebrity-salami-bite-labs/5861595/
  2. Tyson and Cargill have already done that. We're in the phase where the public is still apprehensive about it, but that's been the way of all technological advances.
  3. It's not the price of a sports car. The cost of the patties are expected to drop to $10 next year, largely because production is being upscaled. The meat at the Israeli Restaurant is free because they want feedback from customers. https://vegnews.com/2019/7/price-of-lab-grown-meat-to-plummet-from-280000-to-10-per-patty-by-2021 There's also companies that specialize in the research of cultured fats in order to improve taste and texture: https://www.supertrends.com/cultured-fats-for-food/ This is what I mean about designer food being on the horizon. It's not just going to be producing this meat without an animal, but also making food that's specifically meant for the individual.
  4. Probably, though, I'm guessing it would still be taboo.
  5. Less than 10 years ago a burger made with cultured meat cost $300,000. Now the same burger can be produced for $13. What's happening in Israel are the first steps toward not only the acceptance of cultured meat, but also a potential market for designer food: https://www.fastcompany.com/90572093/at-the-first-lab-grown-meat-restaurant-you-can-eat-a-cultured-chicken-sandwich Keep in mind, we may be some time away. But as the technology progresses, sometime in the future you may go into a restaurant and not only be given the choice of "medium rare or well done" but also options for texture and taste. It may sound weird in 2020, but in 2030 you may have already started eating this stuff.
  6. Tom Cruise is a very interesting person: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/mission-impossible-star-tom-cruise-has-actually-saved-lives-more-than-once.html/ Unfortunately, the Scientology thing really weighs against him.
  7. Can you not vote early in person and get a provisional ballot in your state?
  8. He was on mine. There were so many candidates I thought the Secretary of State here was trying to mess with everyone. But I guess the placement was truly random since Biden was No. 5 on page one and Trump was the very last candidate listed on the bottom of Page 2. Kanye was on the top of Page 2 if I recall correctly.
  9. He also inspired a whole generation of debunkers on YouTube. You had almost real time debunks of all those Ghost Hunter shows and Psychic shows in real time. I think he did a lot to inspire that.
  10. I think Rogan is a good interviewer when it comes to comedians and scientists. When he talks shop with other comedians, its a very interesting listen. His interviews with scientists are pretty good because he seems genuinely interested in how things work. That said, he's been letting himself turn into the voice of "the bros" and being too open-minded when it comes to the conspiracy types.
  11. He also toured with Alice Cooper in the 1970s:
  12. One significant death overlooked during this time of election. James Randi was probably the world's most well-known skeptic and debunker of the modern age. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03050-5
  13. Are your friends in a gang? If they are, why don't they let you join their gang?
  14. I think one of the appeals that it is still developing. They may not have the nutrients now, but they'll get there. Despite resistance, I think food technology and bio-engineering will win out over the Luddites. By 2030 I think we'll be in a designer food boom, which will include technology like food printing and the aforementioned cellular meat. In the long run, it works out better for green-minded people as well. Less animals used for agriculture, the less land needed. This can open things up for re-wilding of areas or maybe a new landrush of people who are tired of the burbs that don't want to walk out their door every morning and see their neighbor's house.
  15. Are you part of a gang IRL?
  16. What color man skirt would you prefer then or is it a design flaw you see? Care to provide examples of skirts you would wear?
  17. Do you not like the skirt because you refuse to wear underwear?
  18. They go better with your Star Trek Cosplay?
  19. This was the cutting edge phone in 2003 when ASMB went online:
  20. Your 30s are better than your 20s. You're a bit wiser than you were a decade before and you still have the youthful body for about a decade more. Enjoy the mix of the two, because you probably still won't have money.
  21. I was in my mid-20s when I joined shortly after ASMB went online in the early aughts.
  22. Companies like Cargill and Tyson are beginning to invest in cultured meat companies. Cultured meat is developing at a fast rate. About a decade ago one burger made by the process cost $250K. The same burger now is less than $13. They're also at the point where it's almost no different than regular meat. You may hear a bunch of naysayers now, and western countries will probably be among the last to accept it, but once mass production is put in place, you'll find it surge in densely populated countries that have high demand for meat, like China. When you start hearing rumblings that Tyson or Cargill is about to roll something cultured out, I'd say it'd be a good time to look at buy some stock from them. It isn't going to be an overnight sensation, probably, but it will be one of those things that grows, grows and grows over time as it takes a chunk out of the always strong meat market.
  23. I imagine it's a tough time for their kind of writing. The news is dominated by two subjects, the coronavirus and election, and almost everything that has been done with those two subjects has already been done. If there's one thing about Stone and Parker, they tend not to beat dead horses. Plus, South Park is at its best when it holds up a mirror at the viewer and makes them laugh at their own little bit of hypocrisy. I think that's also difficult to pull off in this environment.
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