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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Just my personal, made up short hand for "given away".
  2. Articles left unclaimed longer than ninety days become the property of the hotel and will be sold, gifted or discarded at management's discretion. In my case, gifted. The hotel's legal department has approved the policy.
  3. What have I ever stolen?
  4. What, pray tell, do you find so unbelievable about it? Guy's getting shafted and he needs to set the record straight. I just happen to be the one who doesn't believe any of the rumors being spread about him.
  5. That was the reason for my trip to North Jersey last week.
  6. Not much of horseman
  7. Wants me to be his character witness. I was interviewed by his lawyer. I think the case against him is all conjecture.
  8. Or just hard of hearing. Like, you drink "veer" and cook on a "stobe". When the news anchor says, "Two state troopers..." I hear, "tube steak twofers..."
  9. We have some new names and people who don't act like ASMBers.
  10. Preparing people to live in a dictatorship.
  11. How does anybody pop a curb on one?
  12. Being Ian is one of the more bizarro shows on TV. After this, I'll watch Cops. Yeah, Cops. Nothing cooler than watching reality trump a cartoon in being weird.
  13. Better hurry before the government closes it and builds a tunnel under it.
  14. Credit, debit or e-check = fifteen minutes glued to the damned phone, jumping through eleven million pushbutton hoops to pay a $37 bill vs. One minute to scribble a check and put it in a box.
  15. Actually, it's part of why my list is only about thirty people. They're all people I know in person as well. I don't play that game of adding hundreds of people I never met just to raise an impressive count.
  16. People usually end up sending me the requests.
  17. Because it's all about the bass, 'bout the bass, no trouble.
  18. I'm not in the habit of paying erroneous bills. Joker reads the wrong meter and bills it to me. I'd be six months trying to get my money back. No thanks.
  19. I only use auto debit for bills that are fixed and won't change from one month to the next. Insurance premiums, rent, cell phone package, etc. Any variable, such as the electric bill, could become quite problematic under auto pay.
  20. They still haven't been passed through my account. Why the delay? Fucking holiday in the middle of the week. They both should have been passed on Tuesday.
  21. I'm better off with it in my distant past. I don't need it cluttering my present or future.
  22. Sex of any sort is a preposterously over-rated experience and I flat out fail to see why people like you have to attach so much importance to it or try to steer threads about beer consumption Into it. Frankly, the machine doesn't start anymore and I'm not about to dump any drugs into it.
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