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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. I'd probably occupy my time going to electrician school.
  2. Did you see Mad Max Fury Road?
  3. Now, it's about reassembling the place and possibly getting a rent credit for it.
  4. What are the rents like in Michigan?
  5. Your overall cost of living is probably way lower where you are than if you lived in NJ.
  6. Is that per gallon? Hell, you can't find milk in NJ for less than $3.50 per gallon.
  7. They've gone to Betson's annual furniture blowout sale! Betson's has complete living room sets for just $489, complete dining room sets for just $269 and more. Still can't afford it? You can use the easy credit plan and pay just $89 a month for thirty six months! Come on down! Betson's is on Route 30, the White Horse Pike in Hammonton, New Jersey. But be fast, because this sale ends tomorrow!
  8. I still had my great aunt until about eighteen months ago.
  9. Mondays are usually easier work days for me than Fridays, unless it's Moron Day or some stupid assed holiday. Saturdays are just awful at work.
  10. Stack enough bricks and you might have a whole synagogue.
  11. Do you ever use the "free" USB charging ports in public places? How do you know your data isn't being pilfered while charging? No, sir. I don't like it. I carry a portable charger battery.
  12. Because it's a scenario that only long term smokers experience?
  13. Typical conversation with you... Me: "I saw a lady driving 80 mph in a 25 zone, what a bitch." You: "Was she a red head? Was the car a Toyota? Was the street wet? Was she wearing a toga? Did she have green eyes?" That goes on ad infinium until I start trying to actually answer the questions and then you accuse me of "embelishing", followed by "Stop changing the subject".
  14. It'll be his loss. The Mensch on the Bench is watching.
  15. Tell that to the cage supervisor. He doesn't smoke, never smoked. He had no idea that I smoke until just last week when my pack was visible in my shirt pocket. Then, he commented, incredulous, "You smoke!?" I get that all the time. I guess the nose doesn't really tell all.
  16. I "leet" whatever I want into or out of this place.
  17. You think a texting driver isn't endangering pedestrians in the crosswalks?
  18. There you guys go again, taking the thread off on tangents and later you will accuse me of changing the subject. I'm not answering any more questions after this because you are not being sincere in your questions. Now, Google Harvey Tunes.
  19. Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia has a cheese specialty shop with many varieties of authentic bleu cheese. I never leave Philly without at least a pound of it.
  20. Who needs air conditioning? Just open a window.
  21. What does the device report when you receive five or six texts while you drive and just let them pile without answering them?
  22. ::: Question: "Is it a Marvel or DC comic book?" Answer: "No" It's not a Marvel or DC, it's from a different publisher. Question answered. See, I could have been terse with just a simple, "No" and instead pointed out that the American comic book universe has more than two facets. I'm educating him.
  23. Why does he have to assume there were only two publishers back then? I answered his question. It was neither of the two.
  24. They only started doing this about five years ago. I read the entry slip practically the same day they started. I figured it was a similar scam that was busted by the bunko squad nine years ago. That one would switch your phone company to some hokey pokey outfit that charged almost three dollars a minute for each call.
  25. There were other publishers, even back then.
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