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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. It's a thing that has no value whatsoever to back it and it's getting bought and sold at preposterous prices to every rube that thinks the bubble won't bust. It's just like the "invisible" sculpture that was recently sold for $18k.
  2. Soon as everyone finds out how flimsy that system really is, it will be in the dust bin, along side pet rocks and Beanie Babies.
  3. It's just going to spread like fire does in sage brush fields if the cash free concept ever comes to fruition. Yet, the concept is often advocated as a means of removing the underground economy. You don't see that as a lie?
  4. It was a stuffed mattress, no frame or coils. It didn't make a sound, going down. The new mattress arrives today.
  5. No, I don't. He's not included in my local station playlist. You're really looking for people like Jimmy Failla.
  6. In a truly capitalist society, even going 100% cash free and doing all commerce electronically won't stop crime. Take high level drug dealing, for instance. How does one move $500k in meth without being tracked and registered when there's no more untraceable cash? Answer: Art. Prices in art are fluid. There's no material expenditure chain. It's not like the artist is building cars, with every bolt, gear and spring accounted for. Seven or eight dollars in paint or canvas could be sold for twenty dollars or a half million dollars. So, every quarter ton of meth being sold out the back door looks like a gaudy painting being sold to a "collector" out the front door. The DEA and IRS will think it's all legitimate.
  7. When did I say anything about Tucker?
  8. What is it that you think you are looking at?
  9. When I say a building has no wood, it has no wood. Don't say otherwise when you have not actually seen the building.
  10. Why? Because it's apparently the only way to get that building apart. How? I didn't see how. I guess it was lifted by a crane
  11. No. I posted a device that requires an external power source and converts the energy.
  12. Well... Now, it's two back hoes and a crew of men on the roof. Just something that a certain toad on this board said couldn't be done. He might have been correct if that roof were wood, but this is a for real Fred Flintstone structure. All hard as damn rock.
  13. Dirty restroom = no tip. Perfectly clean restroom = tips.
  14. Oh, but isn't the whole commie Democrat Marxist narrative revolving around the miniscule wisps of carbon dioxide produced by human activity being the direct cause of all the catastrophic climate change that's going render all life on Earth extinct by 2024 if I don't unplug my phone charger?
  15. That used to happen, back when restroom attendants were full time. Now, they only spend about twenty minutes out of each hour, cleaning restrooms and more time cleaning things on the casino floor.
  16. The fridge uses the most power here, the TV is a 32 flat, the laptop is brand new, the coffee is cold brew, the music runs on rechargeable batteries, the cooking appliances are the second biggest power guzzlers and I don't use irons or hair dryers.
  17. The radio hosts don't tell me what to think. They echo what I already know. I listen for news events without the CNN spin. Oh, and any pet you might have could die from heat stroke without ac. Here, my monthly home energy audit has just arrived.
  18. It's not as though I do that every day.
  19. I just like eggs.
  20. They're too small to be worth the effort. It's not like the old days, when you could be a full time attendant and pull in $150 per day.
  21. Some people like the tips.
  22. In the winter, I become The Abdominal Snowman.
  23. "I came all the way out here and forgot to pack the Preparation H!"
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