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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. What are their ratings like?
  2. So is a casino. No public pick up for them.
  3. The two public access broadcasters are not at all interested in anything business related. They'd rather prop up a second rate guitarist who never has any original material.
  4. Sure, you do. You're not the guy who saw the back of an overloaded compactor bust open and spill its contents to form a fifty foot long turd pile of that trash. There's no way to sort any of that. I saw it with my own eyes and have seen landfills.
  5. Anecdotes about drunks aside, she can fill an encyclopedia set with the business administration involved with just keeping the front door open and the lights on.
  6. I guess you haven't seen a landfill up close. It's like at the casino, when I put filing cabinets, refrigerators, broken office furniture, plastic Christmas trees, toilets, tv sets and hundreds of pounds of room key cards in the same compactor. This, along with the beer bottles, restroom waste paper, rotted expired food, telephones, radios, bed linens, air duct filters, broken vacuum cleaners, iron pipe fragments and light fixture ballasts that are already in there before I begin my shift. You think anybody can be paid enough to pick that apart and sort it?
  7. Those two should try to find another source to fund their projects and overhead.
  8. Cspan? Just another network I don't watch. So, the rule stands. NPR and PBS can't exist or sustain themselves without Daddy Gov. And, let me see the local bar owner in my neighborhood start her own program there. Then, I might start believing that it's public access. This bar owner can fill two hours, every night, just talking about the real business angle of that little pub.
  9. Just put two tablespoons of instant coffee powder in a pint of cold milk. No sugar needed.
  10. Whatever is in it just gets ground together with the broken tv sets, the refrigerators that blow hot air, the air conditioners that are rusted to a stand still and all the carpeting from vacated apartments.
  11. If that 2% is fact, why can't the government just stop finding it altogether and let it be self sustaining? It's not like they won't be able find other funding to replace it, right? I mean, they're all highly credentialed geniuses running those two white elephants.
  12. I'll bottom line it for you. NPR and PBS can't exist or be sustained without the government.
  13. Went right over your head, there.
  14. So, get the government out of it, entirely if it's that self sustaining.
  15. Take away the government funding from both entities and they will wither on the vine. Not enough bored hause fraus donating their laundry money to keep "This Old House" showing for another six months. You must have missed all controversy a few years ago, when a proposal to remove funding was on the table.
  16. So, who brought in Dr. Who?
  17. Not happening. They won't let just any Joe Rockhead in off the streets to host his own show.
  18. Since when does anyone in "the public" have access to it? The closest I've seen to that was when a local karate instructor was a guest on a show.
  19. No. It accepts donations, but the government owns it.
  20. NPR... Or anyone employed by a government owned broadcasting station.
  21. So is a ball of crack, scientifically speaking.
  22. Or maybe Bugs Bunny with a turban.
  23. The only thing getting doxed here is Earth Tech. They probably like the free advertising.
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