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Sofa King Kule

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Everything posted by Sofa King Kule

  1. Since he's making them, he should know all about them.
  2. It still beats the alternative, seeing that more than 200 people reside here. Looks like some homeless yahoo has just taken the mattress back out and dragged it under the Boardwalk.
  3. Oh... This one is thirty cubic yards and what you describe is how it's delivered.
  4. Tell me what a "construction roll off" is. I don't think this has one. A truck driver just plops it on the ground and leaves.
  5. She eats whatever Bro cooks.
  6. You don't find those in new merchandise.
  7. It's there, all year round.
  8. Melsfurnitureac.com Factory direct. If they don't have what you want in stock, they will order it.
  9. You're not the only guy with kids. My niece really likes the same movie.
  10. That's what the landlady does here. This dumpster is thirty cubic yards and laid out specifically for any bulk furniture items. It beats having stuff like that cluttering the parking lot.
  11. No interest in coke.
  12. Aren't we talking about drug traces on dollar bills?
  13. So? It's in such a miniscule amount that it causes no harm. Kind of like other substances that people moan about.
  14. Back when I was a kid, I was dazzled by movies like, "Smokey and the Bandit" and "Convoy". That, and some of those musical truckers who recorded albums. But, I can be reasonable. I went to where the truckers are found and got the whole truth from them. It's not glamorous, it's not all fun and games and if you're not careful, you'll be broke and unemployed. Besides, wtf do I really know about repairing an engine?
  15. Chuck E. Cheese on meth?
  16. Why would I pay for removal if it were offered? No, five minutes of work I can do on my own isn't worth paying for. I'd rather pay the guy who is cleaning the pots on my amp instead.
  17. It is. 100% brand new. If I wanted a used one, the one I just kicked down the stairs would still be here.
  18. Did I want to be on the road almost every day or did I want to sit in the YMCA for a month, waiting for the phone to ring?
  19. Many truckers are owner/operator. Sometimes, it's more lucrative than waiting months on end for a fleet owner to offer you a gig.
  20. So? Like a guy can't become less enthused over time?
  21. I wanted to be an interstate trucker. Sorry that I didn't have eighty grand to buy the truck.
  22. He was also a taxi driver. Does that mean he once had a "passion" for sitting in a traffic jam with some drunk who pissed himself in the back seat?
  23. Why not? I mean, if I decide to quit my job today and go to work in a traveling Renaissance fair, does make me a failure or just somebody who wants a radical change of venue?
  24. Well, this one doesn't. Besides, with a ready made dumpster waiting out back for bulk items, who needs that service? I can spend the extra fee on something else.
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