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Everything posted by inuyashaboy05

  1. So, now I can tell you what it is that caused me to say "I made it to the top!" That's right....after 10 years of pushing, I finally work at iHeart!!! It's a dream come true and I am going crazy over here....couldn't be happier!
  2. It's ok, you won't hate me in two weeks when I tell you so.......
  3. ppl think im u
  4. in due time........
  5. YEP. Wait till I get to share what's happening...heck yeah, I feel like a million dollars!
  6. Nooo, not bothered at all....excited is more like it. Just can't share the details yet....
  7. I finally did it....but i still can't share that yet.......not for another 2 weeks
  8. That's ok, my old van killed the battery so....it has no power....
  9. ppl think I'm u
  10. "I'm still spamming" by Elton Inuboy
  11. I guess so! I mean, I would have never made all those spam pages and accounts on asmb! Is that something to be proud of? Anyway I ended up with a better woman than I started with so yes...thank God indeed!
  12. Married....with 2 kids! Keep in mind that in 2005 I was not lol.
  13. Keep in mind this was 8 years ago....
  14. Indeed. Andy said it was my destiny. He had no idea how right he was!
  15. I went on an anime dating website at the suggestion of Xanatos1987[/member] and Rogue_Alphonse[/member], wound up with two kids and a sexy ass wife!
  16. At least here is better than Facebook....that's just the end x.x
  17. I am Now let's play this in Xanatos1987[/member]'s cellphone..
  18. On the internet. I mean it's just...boring now......have we really come to this point that it's just so BORING?
  19. ppl think im u
  20. Will live on forever.........
  21. It's to the point where you can't share anything without being judged by coworkers/bosses/friends or Family. Hell they even get pissed if you got to get a picture outside of your patio!
  22. Like the Killers...didn't care much for Mr. Brightside for whatever reason.....
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