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Everything posted by inuyashaboy05

  1. Muhahaha I'm that old now eh? Thank you!
  2. Haha thank you Rogue! This fits me perfectly.....except I'm 34 not 70 😆
  3. I appear to be stuck in a garage with other strange cars.
  4. That's cool if it does. I don't care for it. Bad decision! I should have waited like 20 years to make that decision :|
  5. I'm a horses butt! I am? That's not good news at all you little.... Buhhahah
  6. Because https://youtu.be/_qPJoC5tlnM
  7. DAMN! Good one! I always enjoy hearing this one.....I put it WAY ahead of "Horse with no name"....but I do like Ventura Highway a lot too...
  8. Look out behind you.......It's JoJo
  9. Just when you think your day is going great......suddenly, you're hit with the Conga Roll on Mike FM
  10. ppl think im u
  11. HEY hey YOU you......GET INTO MY CAR!
  12. Is literally the best music ever made, ever....period 😐 Yah-mo-be there......UP AND OVER......
  13. Never Gonna Give You Up!!!!!!
  14. All in your mind.....
  15. You know this 😐
  16. Windscar!!!!!!!!!
  17. Kago.....wait no....seriously I am totally in the middle of rewatching my favorite Anime of all time. Still as good at 33 as it was at 19 😂
  18. ppl think im u 😐
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