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Everything posted by inuyashaboy05

  1. I would never leave you....
  2. I don't think I've posted....in a year? 😐
  3. I've been using comic sans since I was an IBer. It's my trademark.
  4. Yes I agree. I just liked that song more. It speaks to me soul. But she looks like she'd be the bomb, if you know what i mean!
  5. If I had been alive in the 60s I think I would be obsessed with her....
  6. Sounds about right for me
  7. It's my trademark lol
  8. So? Never stopped us before?
  9. In the old days, we replied to everything even if we didn't like it....ss
  10. What the hell is Pod 6? I'm still living in the past..........
  11. But it's not the spirit of IB.....
  12. Only on Tuesdays....
  13. That's the spirit!
  14. Right back at ya brother!
  15. You're damn right I am! I'm holding off on the SUB episodes and waiting for the DUBS. Kagome's voice is weird. Sad we lost Miroku's VO yesterday. That sucks.
  16. No, we need to do away them altogether
  17. LOL I just wasn't able to reply to everyone in real time....the greatness is coming!
  18. I never had to do that. I always just replied with non-sense words like ppl think im u
  19. Exactly! I'd rather have the face, than the click!
  20. OH hush you. lol
  21. Well, we have to change that! Let's go back to the old days..........We're IBers dammit!!!
  22. Sounds like phony voting! I bet you use Dominion computers....
  23. Just look around! How many likes does a person's comment get rather than replies!
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