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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Well, Poke hasn't made the new one yet, so I suppose I'll keep posting here until then. Birdie Wing -Golf Girls Story- Episode 24: "The Promise" - TV-PG Episode 25: "The Promise Revives" - TV-14L Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm Episode 16: The Youkai Mountain Battle Incident [ending: part one] - TV-14 Episode 17: The Youkai Mountain Battle Incident [ending: part two] - TV-14 The Amazing Digital Circus Episode 2: "Candy Carrier Chaos!" - TV-PGLV VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream Episode 1: "I Forgot to Turn Off My Stream, and Became a Legend" - TV-14DL [what a mouthful] Also BTW: in case you're wondering about 16bit Sensation, that one's still in the cards. I didn't know why I was so hung up about a particular element of the show and how problematic it seemed to be, because it ended up breaking the other way. It'll probably be a while, but I'll eventually get around to making clips of it. Next time around, the final youkai extermination, more sweet VTuber goodness, and I finally make do on my promise to dig into older shows. I've got one in mind in particular that's rather obscure, and I've been meaning to watch it in full for a long while.
  2. It has, but now it has its own thread, so cool. TFW Toonami couldn't get its own SDCC panel and had to piggyback off of Rickanime for this legit big announcement. Has this block ever been more washed?
  3. That sounds questionable to me. The modern Toonami hasn't out the Olympics in full before, although there was the Harley Quinn marathon the last summer around in 2021. The block even managed strong ratings going up against Rio in 2016. And at this point, the ratings are low enough that I think the block a can weather any perceived hits. If anything, they should wait a week to air the Rickanime subbed premiere because it'll conflict with the secret set at the Phish festival. I know what I'll be watching that night.
  4. Well, looks like this week is going to be off too, as I expect everyone was tuned into coverage of the Trump assassination attempt last night. I hate that this is a thing that can happen, but there's nothing I can do to change it.
  5. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 9/10 VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream 1 That cooked. God, I love Awayuki. I want her to bear my deformed, alcohol-addled babies.
  6. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 8 BUG FILMS was announced as the studio behind the Witch Hat Atelier anime today, so you know I had to do it to 'em. And so my really old DVR recordings of the last two episodes of LycoReco have been pushed back yet again.
  7. Sailor Moon S1E4 (live) Birdie Wing -Golf Girls Story- 24/25 (end) Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~ 16/17 [and that's how ichina became nao]
  8. Smiling Friends S2E6-8 Regular Show S3E6/7 and 30/31, S4E10/11 and 22/23, S5E3/4, S7E23/24 and 29/30 (all live) The Amazing Digital Circus 2 [exhales]
  9. Schweet. Time to fire up the post-o-matic for one more round in this thread. Viva la 2.0! Devil Girl Memumemu - TV-14D Birdie Wing -Golf Girls' Story- Episode 21: "Rainbow and Bullet" - TV-PGV Episode 22: "Over the Rainbow" - TV-PGV Episode 23: "To Make Dreams Come True" - TV-PGS Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm Episode 11: "The Eternal Night Incident" [part four ending: part two] - TV-14S Episode 12: "The Courage Test Incident" [part one] - TV-PGV Episode 13: "The Courage Test Incident" [part two] - TV-14L Episode 14: The Youkai Mountain Battle Incident [part one] - TV-PGV Episode 15: The Youkai Mountain Battle Incident [part two] - TV-14 Onimai: I'm Your Sister Now! Episode 3: "Mahiro's Close Encounter" - TV-14S Episode 4: "Mahiro's New Friend" - TV-MA Spy×Family Mission:24 - "THE ROLE OF A MOTHER AND WIFE / SHOPPING WITH FRIENDS" - TV-PGDLV Mission:25 - "FIRST CONTACT" - TV-PG [soooo... atsumare PV when?]
  10. Hmm... Well, good on you for deciding to innovate. I personally haven't gotten tired of the classic style of doing ratings yet, but I also haven't been doing it nearly as often as you. I'm going to stay with it when the new thread is made, assuming you're okay with it. But I bet you are. Too bad I won't be finishing clips for Memories of Phantasm before this thread is deprecated. I just redid my most recent clip to fix an audio sync issue, and all I have left to do is properly rate (the ratings themselves are locked down) and make images for the last two episodes of Spy×Family Season 1. God, Season 3 has been announced and I haven't even finished the first one! This might be a new standard for slacking. After my (admittedly frugal) post is done, I want to do a shortie and blitz the rest of MoP to clear the track for my next target for content ratings clips, VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream. And then maybe I'll start that sub-project I've wanted to do for a while and start doing HD remixes of all my ratings clips, going allllll the way back to Squid Girl. So whatever happens next, let's all just have some fun together, right? Maybe, just maybe, the new thread will encourage somebody to finally join me and Poke.
  11. It's definitely 1, although I was hoping for 2 as it'd be funnier. Joseph Chou has since claimed someone working in PR injected the line about a second season without anyone else knowing.
  12. Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyu-bu 151.5-153
  13. Sailor Moon S1E3 (live) [something cool very likely coming this week]
  14. Sailor Moon S1E2
  15. Smiling Friends S2E5 (live) Regular Show S2E25/26 (live, 6/7/24)
  16. Was able to catch the episode live today, and I enjoyed it. I even watched the two Regular Show episodes prior to it, as the prophecy foretold. If only Wedgie Ninja had been around to save them...
  17. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 7 Birdie Wing -Golf Girls Story- 23 [but don't... bury me]
  18. Idolm@ster Xenoglossia 5 Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 6 Sailor Moon S1E1 Actually not a fun fact: save for a few Xenoglossia episodes, I haven't watched any anime outside of Toonami since March, which means that I've had basically no action on content ratings since then. That's going to change soon, but that's also what you'd expect. [hbd to the other gordo]
  19. For anyone who hasn't heard: I feel like he'll be able to keep his composure, but at the same time, never say never.
  20. One more day! I'm fairly hyped for this, and hopefully so are you. Interesting thing I noted looking at the schedule: do they usually lead with Regular Show on Fridays? Because that will be Rewind's first lead-in, and it seems like a nice fit to me.
  21. I was going to make a joke about Linkara having a cameo in S3, but apparently he's not a fan of Doug getting his. Oh well, because this ep was more my speed compared to last week.
  22. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 2-5 Wonder why Xfinity doesn't have Episode 5 on VoD. I mean, I should probably always watch what I need to on the Roku app, given it seems to have fewer commercials. [this show kicks ass, by the way]
  23. I would argue Smiling Friends is as well. I mean, it is for me right now. Who knows if that translates to ratings and cash flow. They still haven't premiered a new comedy show other than Royal Crackers since the WBD (which does flow better, IMO) merger, and that show has now aired two seasons! I don't know how long they're going to keep this up, but they need an infusion of fresh shows.
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