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Everything posted by Blatch

  1. Boy, do I wish I wasn't thirty episodes behind on Sailor Moon right now. I tried to get into a groove of watching every Friday, but the formulaic nature of it (plus Usagi's crying early on) turned me off. In a perfect world, I would've not spaced out and cranked it after getting off at 3.
  2. Hard same. I'll still watch whatever they dump in the trough, but I'm at maximum cynicism after the one-two dick punch of Rickanime and especially Uzumaki.
  3. Woah, they're not stalling at the end of the year for once? And they're airing a fresh show on top of a long-ago rerun at the same time? Color me impressed. Yeah, I know about Blue Exorcist, but I'll still watch it and I hope everyone else does too. I feel like they're doing this out of convenience, and they wouldn't put S1 on unless they knew they'd eventually be able to air the new ones. If I was in a position to watch Toonami week-to-week (which, sadly, probably ain't happening until I change careers), I'd try to watch this lineup through at least 1:30. Not bad, DeMarco. Now get Daima on and everyone will be singing your praises on Bluesky.
  4. Oh hey, a baseball video. Goes pretty well with this, I think: Watched the first half (meaning the first three episodes) of this today. Very cool that @Seight was a fan of my previous Jon Bois post, so I figure I'll keep them coming. [get out the rye bread and mustard grandma, it's grand salami!]
  5. Woah, that's a throwback to the AT&T years! For a while they'd cross-promote TBS shows by putting premiere episodes on [as] and maybe vice-versa.
  6. At this point I'm convinced Housing Complex 'C' is something that only exists because of Uzumaki's delays. DeMarco was desperate and needed his fix of "creepy things happen in a small town", regardless of how it was gonna turn out. Now that we have something ostensibly better, you might as well write that show off.[ [goodbye everyone, I'll remember you all on myspleen]
  7. And so we've finally reached the end of this long, strange famine trip... for now. Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm Episode 18: "The Reimu Assassination Plot" a.k.a. "Reimu Only Lives Twice" [at least the zoloft is working]
  8. Guess he only meant the first episode. At this point my hot Uzumaki theory is that some higher-up finally dropped the hammer, and they needed to scramble to get the rest done on the cheap. It's not too elaborate, but sometimes you have to embrace banality. And yeah, I'm crossing my fingers too that this episode ends up being the outlier, but who knows? At least we'll always have the premiere as a proof-of-concept that an Ito anime can work.
  9. Haven't watched Episode 2 yet, but I did see a tweet with the punch and running animation. Woof. It's amazing how this show managed to persist amidst all the corporate turmoil at WBD, and yet at this point, it would've been better for Zaslav to actually write it off. In a similar vein, seeing this is kind of making me wish I'd waited to start it, so I could look at that jankiness and decide not to watch at all. A bit off-topic here, but yeah. He's also got the anger for it: I was actually happy when he stopped regularly posting on Twitter because I didn't have to see his (deserved, admittedly) ranting about the spineless cops in Uvalde.
  10. Look Back: 9.5/10? IDK, it feels weird to give this a perfect score, but either way, this one gets my full-hearted recommendation. First time seeing a movie in theaters in over a year, and it didn't disappoint. Funnily enough, I stumbled upon listings for this one while looking up something else (Megalopolis), and decided to pull the trigger on a whim.
  11. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 12 (end) Uzumaki 1 Look Back Also, a small announcement for the content ratings thread, since I'm in no condition to post my next omnibus: I plan to do ratings clips for You are Ms. servant... eventually. Not until I finish at least one of the shows getting them already.
  12. Hey everyone, just wanted to point out that I recently got a flash of inspiration and pushed a big update (re: ported the data over from Colt Buhr's spreadsheet) for my Toonami ratings timeline. Link is in the siggy, as always. Numbers are up through the end of August, and at some point I'll start adding info about goodies and such. May Nielsen fill your cup to eternity.
  13. Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead 11 And Makoto is in. Though maybe I'll opt for something spooky as the month progresses. [again, why did they get rid of user titles?]
  14. In other words, their first new show since the arson, which seems to me like a sign they're back at full strength. Though maybe the fact that this is from the Nichijou mangaka is cheating... This feels like one of those shows I don't feel hyped for, but when it actually comes I watch it and it blows my mind, so I'll try to up my enthusiasm levels by then. At least I feel indebted to it, given that Nichijou was my very first subbed anime.
  15. Lycoris Recoil 11/12 (end) Hopefully it's not down to just the four of us.
  16. Regular Show Season 1 and S2E1-13 Cool how they actually put this on Blu-ray.
  17. Atsumare! Fushigi Kenkyu-bu 154-155 Witch Hat Atelier 13 Two quick thoughts: I look forward to keeping up with Anbe's new series from the moment it drops (which I've never done for a manga before), and Atelier is much more my speed than Delicious in Dungeon right now. [voyage to the corner of the globe is a real trip]
  18. The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Theater (TV) S1E11/12 Senpai is an Otokonoko 2-4 Nao's birthday has passed, and I barely got any use out of this avatar. Oh well. I'll change it to Makoto soon and try this one another time.
  19. Yup. Makes up for the lack of anime we got from Waai!, even if most of those probably wouldn't have been good. Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm 1-3 (dubbed rewatch) The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Theater (TV) S1E8-10 [out of pocket?]
  20. Senpai is an Otokonoko 1
  21. Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~ 18 (end) Sailor Moon S1E5 [like a highway sign]
  22. Touhou Fantasy Kaleidoscope: The Memories of Phantasm Episodes 16 and 17: "The Youkai Mountain Battle Incident" [ending: parts one and two] a.k.a. "The Battle of Youkai Mountain"
  23. Shrine of the Morning Mist 1/2 Wait, did I really watch this through to the fourth episode? I thought I only did the first, which was a long-ass time ago... so long that it predates my media logs.
  24. VTuber Legend 2-4 I've come down on this show a little bit, but I still enjoy it very much. Does feel weird that this is my biggest exposure to VTubers yet, even though I've been following one on Twitxr for almost six years now.
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