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LiLl Turd

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Everything posted by LiLl Turd

  1. Check out the link in my signature.
  2. I had to watch that twice. So trippy.
  3. Have you visited my website and what do you think about it?
  4. It's liver failure!!!
  5. Time to make it rain!!!
  6. It is a link. Now click it. It's my website where I claim to know how to stop global warming and drought.
  7. Do you? Do you?
  8. Time to make it rain beiotches!!!
  9. I know how to do it you guys but I don't think it will create an ice age. What do with the information? How to get it out and make money? I've got a website where I'm trying to sell it for $100 million. > :fap: is what it gets
  10. Stop global warming by lowering the temperature of earth 2-4 degrees, what would you do with that information? And would that throw us into an ice age?
  11. wet pussy taco.
  12. And then you wear it like a hat.
  13. I raise $100 million and release the cure for global warming and drought.
  14. Making it rain. Stopping global warming.
  15. He's got his own forum at hubbbreturns.freeforums.net if anyone's interested in seeing what he's doing with himself.
  16. How does one get to dumpster fires? I looked and looked and can't find it. <3 :|
  17. Make it rain baby.
  18. Also, since you missed it, go to http://www.rainteacher.com
  19. Tell them your dad had a heart attack and either a) you forgot all about it or b) drove 250 miles to be with him and couldn't make it to the test.
  20. I think I got banned. It says we're having technical difficulties please try again later when I try to sign in. Trust me. Nobody's paying attention.
  21. I also signed up at okcupid to spread the word. several lmao's in response. :::
  22. http://www.rainteacher.com I've decided that I will go door to door preaching my message. Good or bad idea?
  23. nevermind, it's back!!! yaya!!! I think I got put on a fake internet there for a while. :420:
  24. when I first logged in and got to free-for-all there was a thread by ghostrek called my cat watches tv. I was so excited I started to click it then it disappeared.
  25. why are these the messages I always get. I can really make it rain and snow
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