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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. On the bright side though I think the Golden Knights might have found their first coach
  2. Kudasai


    You know I was a coffee and Red Bull fan until I moved to the morning shift and now I can't get through the day without at least one of them
  3. Kudasai


    Actually I'm in the mood for tea at the moment
  4. Kudasai


    Tummy is bubbly at the moment
  5. Kudasai


    Just let me gas up the car
  6. They were only 2 points out of a playoff spot and it's only December and plus they're dealing with injuries. But from what was reported there was friction between Gallant and management over the direction with the team.
  7. A Lunchable and it was meh
  8. Kudasai


    I really need to lay off the Red Bull and Caffeine
  9. Because you touch...oh nevermind
  10. We have our first firing as the Florida Panthers have fired Gerard Gallant
  11. It's my off day and I'm wearing pants...what the fuck is going on here?
  12. Both, grandma didn't buy a big enough turkey and my dad is indeed a fat fuck
  13. Florence Henderson dead at 82 :'(
  14. I barely had any this year but that gluttonous sperm donor...I mean father of mine had plenty. And he wonders why I don't spend time with him, jerk
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