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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. Nope, what I actually did in front of the mirror was pretending I was playing bass with a broom
  2. Do they serve leeks?
  3. First yell at me some more
  4. This is the first Outdoor I missed mostly because I had to work. I didn't watch the game last night and my team was playing. The Wings are such the drizzling shits not even an outdoor game is enough to get me watch that dumpster fire.
  5. Once I stopped watching Toonami ASMB waspretty much the only interaction with I had with [AS] but they're gone so I'm [AS] free
  6. She seems like she enables his laziness though
  7. Aww so no Frieza position?
  8. Lady came asking if we sell leeks and I immediately thought of Phillies
  9. What kind of monster are you?
  10. Fixed 8)
  11. lol Rebecca -1
  12. Meh...That's one holiday I don't have to worry about
  13. Now comes the painful reality that it's January and Spring is a long ways away
  14. Meh...worked all day, got home cleaned my room and went to bed around 10:30
  15. -1
  16. Kudasai

    For 2017

  17. Kudasai

    For 2016

  18. Sorry I've already boarded that bus to dreamland
  19. I'm calling it a night
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