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Mode 7
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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. I like to be watched
  2. Frieza position <3
  3. You see one dead body you've seen them all
  4. Why? It's not like he has feelings it's Kudasai after all
  5. deez nutz?
  6. Yeah with a brick
  7. -1
  8. +10
  9. Well I know a lot of people are going to be upset today when they find out that their checks don't come in till tomorrow.
  10. It's snowing, my coffee is fucked up and payday has been changed to Fridays instead of Thursdays, awesome S:
  11. God I hope it's not me
  12. Meh
  13. Not true, I made my ASMB debut in November of 2012
  14. Kudasai


    It's a motherfucker
  15. Haven't heard from him since he made that thread. Maybe that couple is holding him hostage or something
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