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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Yep. This is EXACTLY what will happen. I know because he knows. We've seen this shit before. She's literally logging in, just to see if anyone is talking about her.
  2. Seems to be the general consensus going on here.
  3. She’s not wrong.
  4. Nice. I get a chance to go to PAX this year. It’s going to be awesome.
  5. Some people are rude and greedy. They better not want bottles and towels too
  6. Yeah. Solid “Pass” from me.
  7. Yep. Right on the money. Add salt to taste. It’s more chemistry than it is art. Still fun, if you can do it.
  8. Yes. Processed mozzarella is way saltier than the natural version. That doesn’t mean you can’t add salt to taste, though. If you want more salt, then add more. I’m little spoiled by all-natural stuff, because I ran a restaurant. I tend to be more of a naturalist cook, letting natural flavors come out of my foods. Especially with meats on grill.
  9. .....................Sure. If you believe in that kind of stuff.
  10. Handmade. homemade mozzarella cheese is soft. It's not hard, like you think. That cheese is processed and aged a LOT. REAL mozzarella is soft, pliable, and squishy.
  11. I think this came on like.....Sunday mornings on USA or WGN ior something......I vaguely remember it, but don't remember watching it.
  12. Of course there's some truth. I'm the one that said it. Good to be negative, but you could find a better medium that Snapchat for it.
  13. Actually, yes. One was super short, and the other needed lube.
  14. It's very similar to gardening, only......with guns and bulletproof vests.
  15. Can't. As someone who worked in cybercrime (and with law enforcement), committing one crime I'm not hired to do is enough for the day.
  16. ....................Why the fuck would you put this on Snapchat? Then AGAIN on here? You're whats fucking wrong with this society as a whole.
  17. She did. I actually pieced together one of her cards. 16 digit number, and name. Couldn't get the CVV, but that tends not to matter on Amazon and many other sites.
  18. Yeah.....that's what I thought. Bark into the dark all you want. I'm not buying it. Keep trying all you want. You'll still be a mental midget.
  19. Meh......don't get feels.
  20. Glad that we cleared that up. So yeah.....try the same BS on Reddit. I'd LOVE to see what happens. Go ahead. Don't worry............I'll wait.
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