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cyberbully last won the day on September 24 2022

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  1. We got like 6 efin inches. Roads may have iced last night so I'm .or going anywhere but this is the most snow I've ever seen here. We're actually more prone to ice storms but these clowns still call that snow. Like you don't see any fucking flakes, but because it was hard to get into your car, it's snowing
  2. 1. You didn't make this so it doesn't go here. 2. There is a very robust and unmistakable thread for YouTube videos, or even the random things found on the internet. 3. I want to know if you think being dumb is cute. You aren't contributing to the community, you are being disruptive... purposely, I suspect. 4. Fix it.
  3. Bacon cheese burger I cooked
  4. I know damned well you aren't hoisting derision at other's ability to differentiate.
  5. I've always wondered why he does this and I'm starting to think that he believes if he makes a new thread, all the stupid shit he said in the other thread doesn't count in the new one.
  6. Damn 1%ers, always dodging taxes
  7. Lol, I hope you get caught in bootleg cigarette sting so you can find out the difference.
  8. B.....but set for life?
  9. Actually, this is the non sequitur because none of that has anything to do with the legality of what you're doing.
  10. I....is he arguing with himself now?
  11. The real question is.....Why. No one asked for this, it serves no purpose what so ever, who would care and why do you think a document no one can read proves any kind of a point A point that no one has any clue as to what it could be. Like I can think of nothing stupider to post, but it's with bated breath that I await the action in which you show me there is indeed something stupider to post.
  12. We get it, you're old and lonely. You'll be ordering waffle House coffee, camping and waiting for the next unexpecting patrons to rope into a story about "potaters" in no time
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