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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. spoiler alert: your mom is darth vader
  2. i don't think they care
  3. even though i know it goes nowhere, i can't bear to delete it. i've had it bookmarked and transferred from computer to computer over the years. it'll just stay as a monument of what was
  4. anime is as dead as the old boards
  5. Athena92[/member] was Buddha
  6. even in death, the boards provide entertainment
  7. it links to an illegal download movie site now. idk who we can report this to there but that's pretty funny
  8. arent you too busy fisting yourself
  9. how can the boards be real if our eyes aren't real
  10. your weapon better not be a leek
  12. who would 1v1 Michael Bolton
  13. i think King of the Hill is best fighting animu
  14. holy shit you and i actually agree on something. what is this
  15. do we know it's the real pers?
  16. did they finally kill the staging area
  17. Last Christmas is the worst SONG of all time. not just Christmas song, worst SONG. it's like listening to someone put a cheese grater up to your ear drums
  18. i mean i will be too. the amount of indian and far east Asian folks are what saves this neighborhood from being so white picket fence that i'd really think about leaving. i'll take my super india market spices for $3 cheaper and much fresher than elsewhere and my awesome Korean candy thankyouverymuch. let the poor bastard a few doors down complain that DERTERKINOURJERBS while i enjoy the food.
  19. they were right across the street from me. i closed my lights and peeked out of the side of my window twice. they never came over here and it's been a few hours so i think i'm good.
  20. i've been checked out for the holidays for as long as i can remember. i haaaaaaaate this time of year. give me mid fall or late spring
  21. everything counts in large amounts
  22. what, there's no middle ground between a neighborhood that had a great sense of community but had a lot of break ins and a neighborhood with 0 sense of community but is safe enough to have carolers go door to door
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