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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. didn't really work out for me the first time around
  2. i watched one episode of it and didn't really care to watch the rest
  3. i'm far too lazy to go find the one person who can deal with my shit.
  4. i thought it was them at first, it isn't. which is what makes it more sad that more than one person did it
  5. i don't know anyone who has an okcupid or tinder success story but it's got to be better than sitting on my ass waiting for something to happen right?
  6. how the fuck did this guy not get picked on 30 something years ago
  8. i think my problem last time was that there were too many "looking for friends" people on there. and i don't mean the friendzone thing where you go on a date or two say you'll be friends and never speak to each other again, i mean messages on their profile stating that they were only there to meet friends. like i can think of better places to do that.
  10. naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
  12. salt and vinegar is the best. the hell is wrong with you people
  13. you people and your "lives". back in my day, IBers walked 15 miles uphill both ways in the snow to sit in their mother's basements AND WE LIKED IT
  14. my friends are doing something tonight but it's sunday. i'm not going out on a work night
  15. and i can say that those same vague really horrible things can happen at any second of any minute of any day no matter who is running what. i don't support the man but there's normal fear of the unknown and there's paralysis at the thought of the possibility of there being an unknown ala the ever present IF X HAPPENS THEN Y IS SURE TO HAPPEN!!!!11 type circular reasoning that seems to be spewing from the keyboards of those that can't dare to think beyond some preconceived notion that only their way of thinking will "save us" anything else is treason and will bring forth some sort of 1984 type of society.
  16. it's cold. someone make it not cold
  17. "everyone who doesn't agree with me is scary " this is why i can't take things like tumblr seriously. whatever i can't stop you from being melodramatic, nor has any other sane minded person historically been able to, so i guess i'll go back to IBing and allow some fantasizing about some hypocritical supposed safe space for "non-scary" thoughts to continue.
  18. and to be fair you have said multiple times that you were afraid that straight people are coming after you and that the only people you don't fear are those who kowtow to your specific world views.
  19. can you quote me in that thread where i said the exact words that a Trump presidency was the reason for the increase in stock prices? i did say "apparently and if my portfolio goes any higher i'm gonna cum" but that was a snide response to your serious one slightly after that i also said "correlation does not equal causation. the whole market has been going up. the dow is at a record high and so is my throbbing portfolio. if the dow goes above 20k tomorrow, i'm buying myself a steak"
  20. don't bother asking, you're not going to get a decent response. it's likely because we point out how dumb these threads are, we're automatically all alt-right Trump supporters.
  21. you mean you don't separate your friends by arbitrary qualities? WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO
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