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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. me too, thanks
  2. bzzt wrong. the man who encouraged it was born in 1942. Boomers are between 1946 and 1964. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Cutler the man who developed it was born in 1968 https://wikitia.com/wiki/David_Plummer_(programmer)
  3. holy shit, did Microsoft use a Shonen Knife song???!
  4. I only used Edge when we were on Mixer because I don't like Chrome and Firefox had problems with it. Weird that it had you do that because I did an update yesterday and that didn't pop up for me.
  5. edge isn't nearly as terrible as IE was. that being said, i would never use it. Firefox forever
  7. chained and bound, can't you see?
  8. won't you love me one more time before you go?
  9. I mean it's better than nothing. I can't imagine going into a gas station bathroom to wash my hands before I left would really be any cleaner
  10. I don't do gloves but that's only because no one around here has them. I have enough hand sanitizer to last me a while so that I don't feel so gross going somewhere from like a gas station or whatever
  11. mine too starting today at 5pm
  12. did Philies die
  13. Naraku4656


  14. I only caught a couple of episodes before kind of losing interest
  15. I hardly drink soda either. More often than coffee tho
  16. i tried a series on Apple TV called Hightown that was basically a softcore porn.
  17. maybe he went supernova and became a star. or a @StarPanda if you will
  18. even when i'm working in the office, the only caffeine i ever really have are the vitamins that have some in them. other than that i don't. maybe once in a blue moon i'll have some tea but really not usually unless i'm very tired. when the quarantine started i bought more of the vitamins but ended up going through ones without instead but i didn't feel like i would need them. wasn't a price thing, just didn't feel like having caffeine
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