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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. i'm married to my bed
  2. I mean I'm not discounting what you're saying. If it were my own computer then yeah you're right I can set my hours easily. They disable the option on our work laptops so we're at the mercy of Windows
  3. it's controlled by the company so I can't really. it'll just tell me it has to update. usually doesn't take that long but there was a laundry list of stuff I guess
  4. that's because MJ was singing backing vocals, along with his brother Jermaine. he wasn't the main artist yeah but he was on the record https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somebody's_Watching_Me
  5. I finally got back on. @_@. that was a long time to be down for
  6. i finally got on only for another pop up telling me i had 5 minutes before i had to restart for more updates. what the fuck
  8. i gotchu fam
  9. apparently the water is fine in my area. must just be me
  10. Crest pro health
  11. i can't. it's too far
  12. WHY
  13. can i have a glass while you're up
  14. Naraku4656

    I'm done

    What happened with what now
  15. What’s discord
  16. only my dad likes Arby's. once in a while we'll go there but it's not frequent
  17. Naraku4656


    you're gay?
  18. dude idgaf what people think. I've called They Live a documentary
  19. i called the township and they said there were no reports of issue so idk. guess i'll die
  20. Back to the Future is mine
  21. I also do this in real life
  22. This is true and actually happened
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