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Everything posted by Belize

  1. In any event, House Democrats are going to end up with 214 or 215 seats, 3-4 fewer than a majority. Meaning Republicans can't afford to lose any.
  2. I think this has more to do with Gaetz's resignation. Also...
  3. I hope Rubio is correct here and would support him getting some appointment just so he might have influence on Trump.
  4. In 2006, Democrats made a common sense campaign promise to allow Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs. It was blocked by Republicans. In fact, it was oddly considered one of Democrats' more controversial ideas. Flash forward to the Biden administration, and it was finally approved. And no one talks about it. The march of progress is insane, but it does occur. @Raptorpat
  5. Wait a few more years when it becomes undeniable that student loan forgiveness has to occur? You know, after Trump is dead and all.
  6. According to every Bill Burr comedy routine ever, yes, apparently millennials have a reputation for being wusses. I never knew.
  7. I take it as an unexpected compliment. My surprised response is something like, "you think I'm a left-wing wuss? Why thank you."
  8. Do millennials have a negative reputation for being left-wing wussies or something? I've never paid attention to generational stereotypes before, and that's what I'm hearing in a serious conversation with a bunch of people.
  9. Care to share what you've learned about this? I'm genuinely curious.
  10. An (?) optimistic (?) take? Yes, I am terrified that I have to ask this about the US.
  11. This is something I said to someone today. The context was a younger person asking for advice. I really love the progressive corners of Gen Z. I love the fact they are concerned with other people's pronouns. I wish I had that concern when I was younger. So, back when gay people first started coming out of the closet, there was a backlash. Some cruel people tried to mock both the gay people and their allies, calling them weak and weird. But gay people just kept doing it, and the cruel disappeared one day. The same will happen to anti-trans people. I'm sure of it.
  12. Oh yeah, I agree. Part of being a horrible person that makes people happy when you die is that it also makes you forgettable once you're finally gone. Right now with Trump I am just seeing it from the perspective of before he kicks the bucket.
  13. I was shocked the first time I saw the old pictures of Americans celebrating Stalin's death because I thought people had an innate moral sense not to wish death on others. Now I get it, and I see those Americans in those pictures are correct. They actually have a really good moral sense.
  14. Remember the Inflation Reduction Act and its attempts to respond to climate change? Most of the economic investments went to Republican districts and states on purpose due to the theory that Republicans would be unwilling to end them if they regained power. That was actually pretty smart, and I hope Republicans are successfully tricked into keeping the investments.
  15. It's cold comfort, but seeing some Trump voters on Twitter freak out because down ballot Republicans are losing is pretty nice.
  16. A recession sometime in 2025 to 2029 would be one of the least bad things to happen. I would be relieved if it was just that. That's how scary the future is.
  17. That person doesn't understand Presidents if they think there is someone allowing or disallowing him to run. That's not how it works.
  18. That's fair. I don't mean to express "this is fine". Relatively good news is that the demographic shifts toward Trump are not as apocalyptic as some have been saying, especially on social media. I was skeptical of the claims when I first heard them (Latinos are Republicans now). I think I was correct to be skeptical. Another specific demographic shift I have heard repeated is about young people, Gen Z. (Gen Z are Republican now!) My first dive in on that is the media exit polls show 18-29 year old men (R +2) and women (D +24) being more Democratic than the older millennials and Gen Xers. Compared to 2020, all age groups except seniors became more Republican. Concerning, but I don't see that much to single out Gen Z in particular. I'll feel better with more information on this though.
  19. This gets into the idea that Trump is a singular figure that can pull this off, and no one else can. Once he's out of the picture, his coalition won't exist anymore. It's plausible, but too optimistic to completely rely on. It would be good if it is true, but Dems should be planning in case it's not true and the Trump coalition outlives him. I might think elections are cyclical. Even Trump himself is going to experience a backlash, so maybe groups that swung to him in 2024 can easily swing back the other way when times get tough.
  20. I don't blame them. It was just a specific demographic claim that I have seen being repeated, and this is my first time really examining it. Yes, I wonder if white Latinos make the group as a whole seem more pro-Trump than Latinos as a whole. A good reason to be skeptical, I suppose. And yes, you are correct it is an increase as whole from 2020. That's concerning, but with all the other caveats about different races and heritages of Latinos. It would also mean my previous claim about "it's just the same group of idiots from 2020" is literally false. There is at least one part of the Trump voters that is different from 2020. Maybe there are other shifts that make up for it and thus Trump's total votes remain roughly the same as in 2020.
  21. This *might* raise the question of Florida, where many Cuban-Americans live. Florida swung shockingly to Republicans this year. There is a Republican explosion going on down there. *That* could explain the media exit polls about the national Latino vote.
  22. There we are, @1pooh4u. This cuts against your demographic shifts claim. (It's not just yours; it's the claims that many are unhesitantly just accepting). Reports of a Latino Democratic exodus may be slightly exaggerated. Anxiety was high after exit polls showed that 46 percent of Latinos, and 55 percent of Latino men, voted for Donald Trump. While it is a significant blow—Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton won Latinos at 65 and 66 percent respectively—a more detailed breakdown by heritage offered some pushback to the generalized narrative. The Americas Society Council of the Americas research showed that of the largest Latino groups in the United States, Cuban Americans were the only one in which over half of voters chose Trump, as they went for him by a decisive 58 percent. Mexican Americans—by far the largest Latino community in the country—only went 33 percent for Trump, with Puerto Ricans at 37 percent and Central Americans at 36 percent. https://newrepublic.com/post/188203/latino-vote-trump-harris-2024-election-data-breakdown
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