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Everything posted by Belize

  1. I like the job of guarding an imprisoned Trump is giving to either the rookie Secret Service agent to break them in or to the old timer who is just a year before retirement.
  2. Sentencing set for July.
  3. Guilty on all 34 counts
  4. 30 more minutes to fill out a form.
  5. Oh shit! For real?
  6. I see things are going well for him as the jury begins deliberations.
  7. It seems like a tweet Elon would personally approve to go in the recommended list.
  8. The kind of tweet recommended to new users before they have followed many accounts. Yeah, I can see this being an Elon thing. On brand.
  9. The McDonald's McDouble has even been called the greatest food in human history. "It has been my gut-level (sorry, pun) feeling for a while now that the McDonald’s McDouble, at 390 Calories, 23g of protein, 7 percent of daily fiber, 20 per cent of daily calcium and iron, etc., is the cheapest, most nutritious, and bountiful food that has ever existed in human history." McDonald's McDouble Burger Named 'Cheapest, Most Nutritious Food In History' (POLL, VIDEO) | HuffPost UK Life (huffingtonpost.co.uk)
  10. Whopper: 670 calories. Dave's Double: 860 calories. Hardee's Super Star: 950 calories, Big Mac: 590 calories. I was also confused why he picked a fight with the fast food chain that isn't the worst one for you.
  11. Thank you, dog meme. For making the internet dumber since you debuted.
  12. There's another popular account with 1 million followers and a profile pic that is an old stock photo of a revolutionary with an automatic weapon. The account spouts out serious opinions about wars and current events, and gets into arguments. I imagine some college kid in a dorm room with a Che Guevara poster. He spends all day on Twitter because his social anxiety doesn't permit him doing anything else.
  13. There are a lot of cringey things about Twitter now. For example, there's one person's account that has 1.6 million followers. It is also distinguishable by its profile pic of Danny Phantom. The tweets are so twerpy, dumb, and low effort that it makes me hate Danny Phantom. Like the fictional character.
  14. People make the mistake of thinking Trump is bigger than he is. He's not special. He's just one of those angry, contemptuous defendants who knows they're screwed and decides to disrupt the trial. The same as one of those criminals you see in videos with titles like "Top Ten Biggest Court Freakouts".
  15. Iranian president finally found safe and sound by search team. Is immediately bitten in the crotch by search dog.
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