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Everything posted by floggingmollyrocks13

  1. if i ever made a okcupid id probably try to come off as the most suicidal drug-induced hipster on the whole site chicks dig that nowadays
  2. ... :robotmad: Tonight. You. :robotwink:
  3. we'd need someone to pour your shots bc i wont be needing any when i lap you :robotmad:
  4. its because i smoked way more than you dont let it inflate your ego, we're not done
  5. i beat a new boss so i took a shot of cheap vodka everytime i died exploring the new area i died 8 times and beat the next area boss and i feel like a champ what are some other good drinking games? doesn't have to be video game related discuss
  6. x gonna eventually, in time, give it 2 ya
  7. doesnt this mean youll be B& for making this thread starting with RIP
  8. since i stay up all night usually i have to wait until 9am for them to start selling again if i run out the law is literally from like a hundred years ago and needs to be removed
  9. bumping this to say nothing in particular
  10. pretty much nowhere but my room get me out of here
  11. floggingmollyrocks13


    is this a shitpost or something
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