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About Tricolor

  • Birthday 03/07/1977

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Gentry (8/22)



  1. I identify as a potted kumquat tree. Oohh, look at my fancy fruit! What do you mean there's hair on it? I'm not that kind of girl!
  2. Back in 2004 ( I know, my pliers are running out of grip from me cranking that far back) I didn't know how to work sites so I landed in the anime section. Needless to say, they didn't appreciate my "views" and humor, so I left looking for greener pastures. Since I'm not a cow, I landed on IB and stayed there until today.
  3. Sex is not for everyone. Especially me.
  4. Happy New year, everyone!!!
  5. Without the arches its not the eiffel tower. So no, they cannot be on their back.
  6. Man, kids bop sure is different nowadays
  7. Only 364 days to go. Hang in there!
  8. Thats because you're fat in spirit. God sees all.
  9. Lacerations? Impossible, it was a ball peen hammer.
  10. Yeah baby, that's the good stuff!!!👍
  11. I just hate it when companies that have nothing to do with a product won't help me fix that shit. Fuck you, depends! I have a leak in my bathroom faucet!
  12. Not everyone was meant for greatness. I've had it twice and all I did is just cough on people at the mall. Pssshhh....bullshit indeed!
  13. They were trying to warn us all those décades ago, but we just didn't listen! As soon as I had this epiphany, I immediately turned atheist,threw away all my crucifixes, Jesús posters and pop up Bible with Kung fu grip action.
  14. Yup. Much like Africa.😐
  15. Sounds like you're the piggy roast for new years dinner
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