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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. It's fine though because cats are adorable
  2. Gotta reach that Owl count status again
  3. Good. Don't waste your time on it.
  4. +1 post count added to user profile
  5. I always think of a cat when I see that face
  6. Phoose ball was always fun
  7. That looks pretty accurate
  8. Shitposting
  9. Nice dude. I haven't picked up a dart in ages tbh I can barely throw one
  10. just spam your heart out
  11. Cause they fancy
  12. I'm kind of the opposite. I'm gradually getting a bit better at Billiards but I can't throw a dart for shit
  13. Yeah it's a pain. Sadly a couple of my friends stopped playing so I had to find new people to play with. Some just don't care to keep going
  14. It sure as hell is. My grandfather gave me his because he wanted a new one. I tried playing with one at the lounge I go too and I hated it
  15. Nice. Keep on improving my friend
  16. Playing in pool... Has a nice ring to it
  17. Dude go for it. It's fun. And sometimes frustrating
  18. Same here. They can be pricy though. I would love to have my own
  19. lol guess that counts for something
  20. Billiards, 9 Ball, etc One of my favorite hobbies, even though I'm not that great at it
  21. Oooooh yeaaaaaaaa
  22. Shooting at the walls of heartache, bang bang!
  23. Yes you say? Alright it's a go
  24. Currently watching
  25. Sssshhhhh, its me. I'll give you a bear hug and back rub for some of that wine
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