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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  2. Yeah man. I tend to come and go though. I used to be very active on the ASMB, but lately I've been kinda just pooping in and so.
  3. I joined in 17, but haven't given the boards much of a look until now. I like it. Oh, and happy Easter everyone
  4. I hear you. I'm sure it will go well
  5. Just drink a lot of water and work out a lot
  6. Oooooo I know you've been wanting this for a while now. Congrats. It will all be worth it
  7. What's so bad about that evil empire huh?
  8. Yeah, once I got a new job and put my mind to work, it seemed to fade quite a lot. Just keep yourself busy, and if it was stocking, well, could go for Walmart
  9. It's normal. Takes quite an emotional toll. Last job I lost I actually liked I STILL want back. Takes a few days to get over it. Stimulants help. But just occupy your mind and you are a lot better. With anything you can think of. I played games, hung out, or just drove somewhere. Just keeping your mind occupied can help with the depression
  10. I highly agree
  11. Wanna dance? GO 80's
  12. They had the best music x_x
  13. Damn. Well, you can tell them you are secretly into killing defenseless animals. That should do the trick
  14. Thats a good one right there. Now I wanna have an 80's party
  15. The Hoooooters lol Omg cant forget this guy either. Tarzan Boy
  16. I need to time travel to back then
  17. All of these are so great
  18. Toto is pretty great too
  19. Just tell them you are a huge neo-nazi and satanist
  20. I love these songs holy shit
  21. There's that lol
  22. Looks like good food. Yeah im for sure just staying home this year though. Only holiday I actually like to celebrate and get dressed up for is Halloween
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