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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. Near the side he gets off the bed
  2. 2 pipes break in the dish room It was a very wet 8 hour shift
  3. I hope she gives you a special present later
  4. Wtf is wrong with you guys
  5. Pit of misery dilly dilly
  6. Fuck you Dilly dilly
  7. Miku is dead Dilly Dilly!
  8. The fact @Zenigundam is staying out of your threads is creepy since that is his idea gf
  9. Good @StarPanda
  10. Holds Miku in front as shield
  11. What?
  12. Fried chicken
  13. That cat is giving the dog the "you just farted didn't you" look
  14. ? "google's it" https://www.pestworld.org/pest-guide/mosquitoes/asian-tiger-mosquitoes/ That's the first I've ever heard of that type Get a bug zapper
  15. So how many red balloons did you stain white?
  16. Well I expect that from the frog that had his pelvic shattered after letting piggy being on top
  17. Huh and usually the pranks I use involved extremely hot peppers reaper and ghost mainly
  18. I take it you had that happen before?
  19. Misaka


    Oh? I usually go with 5 gallons of water on a front porch step and let it freeze during the winter
  20. Misaka


    He's going to do it anyway the grass will be dead during the winter
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