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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. Anyone else watching this show?
  2. Didn't pattycakes post the only updated link?
  3. You never filled a balloon with colored water then freeze it for 24 hours?
  4. Misaka


    Then how about 3 day screen then 3 days mute Double punishment
  5. Now fill it with red paint and slowly poke holes in it
  6. Misaka


    Screen or mute?
  7. Muliated Miku pic?
  8. What was your original name on asmb?
  9. and?
  10. Nevermind then
  11. No clue on who you were on asmb but now I'm curious
  12. Good boy you do remember
  13. It's the last breath
  14. you want mutilated miku posted again?
  15. Shut up pillow fucker
  16. Wait seriously?
  17. Yea no
  18. I'm not drinking their tap water Give me Flint's water any day
  19. Not today
  20. Hell no blow hole
  21. And the damned thing broke opened at woke thankfully just the scab came off
  22. There can only be one winner
  23. So wait you don't want to see your kid graduate from high school? What kid of parent are you?
  24. If you want to live longer give up fried food https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/why-fried-foods-are-bad
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