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Everything posted by Misaka

  1. You might of gone a bit too far you know
  2. Are you a fucking retard or something? Because you are acting like someone who is brain damage from harsh chemical exposure
  3. Old man on plant chemicals And for the idiot who failed botany Sexists
  4. nudity even your own has to be spoiler tagged if you didn't spoiler tag it even in DF it can fall between 2 categories warning/removal or ban/removal new rule original rules { 2. Content: Extreme/Controversial Content: We reserve the right to remove or delete any post from the board at any time. I'm hoping there won't be a huge need for that. forum members can "spoiler tag" content that may be deemed extreme, adding a "content warning" ahead of it. At that point, it's pretty much the person clicking the content's decision whether or not to view it. Nudity Standards: Feel free to spoiler tag your own images/videos w/content warning (save mods the trouble) if your pic or video contains male or female genitalia, or exposed anal port, or seems particularly sleezy enough for you to go "hm yeah maybe I should stick a warning on that". } but I'll let @Adminderaptorpat be the actual judge
  5. 2 days
  6. How much paint fumes have you consumed over the last 50 years?
  7. Why would I waste the gas for something stupid?
  8. Grey circle with a line in the middle?
  9. Haven't seen him in a while
  10. Designs are way too close for comfort so that's not a good thing
  11. Dropping mha because it's slow paced Flcl 2 has 3 more chances before getting dropped although I think they might get sued from copyright infringement on the girl ears games been out for 3 years
  12. Gets banned from YouTube gets banned from Google itself
  13. God damnit someone find dudeco
  14. Only to be tazed with a makeshift taser
  15. Shrimp scallops clams
  16. Is this coming from experience with @Still Me?
  17. I blame viper and zeni Mainly zeni
  18. So you're blaming @KN?
  19. Don't they have the ghost pepper ones?
  20. The fact @1pooh4u didn't post this made me sad
  21. Get the extra spicy one and give it to hér
  22. Why not get the cosmetics skin color and color it like a pimple
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