nudity even your own has to be spoiler tagged
if you didn't spoiler tag it even in DF it can fall between 2 categories warning/removal or ban/removal
new rule
original rules
{ 2. Content:
Extreme/Controversial Content: We reserve the right to remove or delete any post from the board at any time. I'm hoping there won't be a huge need for that. forum members can "spoiler tag" content that may be deemed extreme, adding a "content warning" ahead of it. At that point, it's pretty much the person clicking the content's decision whether or not to view it.
Nudity Standards: Feel free to spoiler tag your own images/videos w/content warning (save mods the trouble) if your pic or video contains male or female genitalia, or exposed anal port, or seems particularly sleezy enough for you to go "hm yeah maybe I should stick a warning on that".
but I'll let @Adminderaptorpat be the actual judge