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About Misaka

  • Birthday 11/25/1991

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4538 profile views

Misaka's Achievements

Freakin Mutant

Freakin Mutant (21/22)



  1. I actually dont mind it on mobile
  2. Time for some fun
  3. Misaka

    god dam you guys

    I need to remind him how much of an asshole I am
  4. very annoyingly
  5. Misaka

    god dam you guys

    only 37!?
  6. Misaka

    god dam you guys

    should be up around 50 now @Taken_Name
  7. I do as well but the reps on the other one is much better
  8. notification going up!
  9. Also what do you mean "new screenname"?
  10. Ok then I'll let kn know you don't care for that name
  11. Geegee? Good god it's been a long day
  12. You know bnmjy KN can always change his mind so knock it off
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