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Everything posted by KageRageX

  1. There's still a lot of people who has a PS4, and let's be honest, the PS5 isn't worth anything and Xbox is about to go under. I give the PS4 a while more. It's probably gonna be the next PS2 in terms of sheer popularity and support and how long the console lasts.
  2. Damn. Honestly, I could see the block make it this year, but 2027? They'll be signing off by then... And by then, hopefully I'll have enough knowledge to start my own NeoToonami-esque stream.
  4. I'm actually....kinda glad Rewind died, but I still don't get why we had to get Family Guy back...
  5. Damn. We know the originals for this year is Lazaurs, Primal S3, Superman S3 and likely Get Jiro. I could also see Rooster Fighter make an appearance towards the end of the year. At this point, I'd take the cut to a solid 3 hours. Here's what I can see for this year: 12:00 - Original 12:30 - sequel/new anime 01:00 - new anime/sequel 01:30 - One Piece 02:00 - Dragon Ball Z ai 02:30 - reruns
  6. Remember, there's 3 and a half hours. They can fit it all in. I was just stating the reruns likely to occur throughout the year. Damn. This.
  7. Right. In fact, I could maybe see this as a mapout: Returns: MHA S7, Demon Slayer, Lycoris Recoil S2, Dr. Stone S3, Fire Force S3, Primal S3, Superman S3, Mashle S2, Blue Exorcist S2+3 Reruns: Sailor Moon, Naruto, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Invincible Fight Girl, Rick and Morty: The Anime, Uzumaki New Shows: Lazaurs, Rooster Fighter, Get Jiro!, Dragon Ball Daima, Undead Unlock, DanDaDan, random Aniplex title
  8. Fuccckkkkkk............. Yep. It's official, I'm not watching Toonami anymore unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.
  9. Can I have my name changed to KageRageX
  10. Wow. Welp, I guess I'll just skip the block next month. But seriously tho, if they can't even use their damn common sense with this, then I'm out. The day TOM signs off for good, I'm launching my own Toonami Aftermath-esque pirate anime network, copyright be damned at this point. I'm just done dealing with their shit.
  11. Wow. Yeah, they bought this on themselves. Now stop wasting your non-existent budget on bullshit and give us some real shows.
  12. Damn. I mean damn. It's performing worse than I thought. From here on out anyone who coughs money towards Disney is stupid.
  13. If they were smart and not cheap, they'd do this in January: 11:00 Dragon Ball Daima 11:30 Creature Commandos 12:00 My Hero Academia 12:30 Mashle 01:00 One Piece 01:30 Blue Exoricst 02:00 Sailor Moon 02:30 Dragon Ball Z Kai 03:00 Invincible Fight Girl 03:30 Naruto
  14. Just sell the whole joint to Disney at this point fuck everything.
  15. Don't you DARE manifest that. This.
  16. So this show is basically cooked? Damn.
  17. Should we just accept that the anime and gaming industries are about to crash and will not recover this time?
  18. So if AXS is gonna get in the anime game, then......when will FXX, FX and/or Freeform bring back Jetix? And could MTV bring back SLAM?
  19. Wow........ AS really IS dying... And they have no fucking body to blame but themselves.
  20. The show was alright, even if the production quality dipped. Still certainly one of the best Toonami originals tho and better than anything else they put out, although Shenmue was actually pretty good. Now can Lazaurs and Rooster Fighter put up to the challenge?
  21. Maybe...... 12:00 - Invincible FIght Girl 12:30 - Mashle 01:00 - My Hero Academia Season 7 01:30 - One Piece 02:00 - One Piece 02:30 - Blue Exorcist 03:00 - Rick and Morty: The Anime And early next year........... 11:30 - Lazaurs 12:00 - Creature Commandos 12:30 - Dragon Ball Daima 01:00 - My Hero Academia Season 7 01:30 - Demon Slayer Hashira Training 02:00 - One Piece 02:30 - Blue Exorcist 03:00 - Primal (I mean, ain't Primal supposed to be coming back next year???) I'll probably make a more detailed spreadsheet.
  22. I thought IFG was gonna have 20 episodes....
  23. Looks good! I'll check it out!
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