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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. Saw what that dumb cunt of a governor said today regarding banning certain drugs… not sure if it was north or South Dakota… doesn’t matter
  2. I’m thinking about everything I’ve bought that has been an absolute waste of money… only to find out that this exists…. For the price of Arbys
  3. I don’t really understand all of this I’m seeing here… I get they are trying to get him to wake the fuck up and show the hypocrisy… but it’s almost like they are saying they shouldn’t be able to marry if womens rights are taken away… and, I guess it’s all Christianity bullshit… but, this isn’t the time for whataboutism…. Fucking take what you want now.
  4. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/10/1097482967/roe-v-wade-supreme-court-abortion-period-apps?fbclid=IwAR2nZRNGfsqzswM2jTYWUOB_1hvN710tTlc4z58gAjStINLITh8eQbj1Mj8
  5. Or his political opponent suicides themselves with two bullets to the back of their own head
  6. IMG_9299.MOV
  7. This could literally be posted in three separate thread here… https://fallriverreporter.com/providence-police-officer-running-for-office-arrested-after-allegedly-assaulting-opponent-at-abortion-rally-two-others-also-arrested/
  8. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-rhode-island-abortion-protest-punch-woman-cop-20220625-5poy7lofcrgqlcxguhat4s752a-story.html
  9. I guess… I’m a bit disappointed that shit isn’t burning… we went to Philly this morning and there was some flower power shit happening… but just giving out info for people that need help finding abortion support… we got back about an hour ago, and it’s just… business as usual in PA
  10. Crickets can eat a dick too
  11. I have the memory of a goldfish
  12. Starting to think we’ve been hoodwinked
  13. What’s with you people in Ohio shooting randoms with those splat guns… then they get their asses kicked and claim victim.
  14. https://brigidalliance.org/ it’ll be interesting to see how these support sites get fucked with going forward now.
  15. But when actual real kids are in danger… fuck em… if they die, they die
  16. Have any of the states formally come out and stated that ectopic abortions are also illegal?
  17. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2022/06/24/texas-ag-ken-paxton-celebrates-abortion-ruling-by-declaring-agency-holiday/%3FoutputType%3Damp
  18. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insider.com/roe-v-wade-protests-police-in-riot-gear-at-the-supreme-court-2022-6%3Famp now the riot police are showing up?
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