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Everything posted by baalzebub

  1. This is good. The forum should be more of this please
  2. that was pretty funny not
  3. okay dude...
  4. Yessss it's super good. I give it 3.6 roentgen out o' 4
  5. We can set up a visitation schedule, I suppose. Just don't get it all soggy, please.
  6. Hey, there's a line. No cuts (butts and/or coconuts okay).
  7. What sizes are available?
  8. I would guess it's your DNS cache ipconfig /flushdns inside an administrator command prompt might fix it. Or sudo dscacheutil -flushcache inside a terminal window if you're on a Mac.
  9. That 'apology email' reminded me that this site exists. To that one guy who was missing me: "hey".
  10. oh I am good, i cannot produce wastes but otherwise im also kind of tired but also not at all
  11. I too have to use php sometimes
  12. I bet you'r co workers love you. I love them too
  13. What did you say you litllle bitch
  14. Hey what's going on
  15. baalzebub

    Destinyy yyy!

    Anyone still play on ps4?
  16. It's tough working all day in the salt mines
  17. I used suddenly needed stimulation and I think I got too much dopamine released plus whatever shikon jewel shards do when you smoke them
  18. hey this guys still alive?
  19. im not really into stims usually, but that along with the pressing need to go potty but inability to is causing great consternation for me this morning.
  20. I'd be down to play any of the MP Switch games that are out if anyone's interested...my switch is in the other room though so I can't post my ID code at the moment
  21. I bought that too.. kind of pissed at the $40 price tag for what is little more than a shitty rom dump
  22. baalzebub


    i've missed you all so much!!
  23. baalzebub


    Vanity searches gettin me all warm and fuzzy...or is that the morphine?
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