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  1. Lol apparently there might be a little more to "AEW Absolution" than just me trying to meme it into existence I didn't bother to see if the Khan interview being quoted was real but it sounds like his coke head rambling interview style.
  2. What is the legal truth? Go on, be specific. Tell me how Biden was legally required to approve this. You can't because that's a lie. No court could have forced the US govt to allow oil companies to tear up Alaska, just no. As far as I can tell, the *absolute worst case* legal scenario for blocking this enormously anti-Science & anti-inhabitable planet project would have seen the Federal govt forced to reimburse Big Oil some amount of money, an amount far less than what we have given Ukraine over the last year to wage war. Biden lied, he's willingly approving practically the worst form of the thing that he explicitly campaigned on not doing. He is not standing up to fossil fuel extraction on federal lands at all. AT ALL. And that's the legal truth, not your dishonest simpy sicko bullshit. Fuck, grow up. You come on here and you lie for what, to protect these sickos that don't give a fuck about you? To prop up this rotten failing institution? Genuinely sickened that THIS is who you continue to choose to be.
  3. Just stop with the press secretary junior schtick, it's honestly sickening.
  4. Oh my God, at this point he's practically turning the thermostat up himself. All those blatant lies he told while campaigning too lol. So many climate promises broken. We're about to drill up half of Alaska, and this is the party that ""believes in Science""
  5. Could AEW be coming to Cartoon Network? Maybe in that prime early evening 5-6pm slot leading in to AS?
  6. This is literally all you have year after year after year. "BUT THE REPUBLICANS!!!" Biden stood idly by while Americans lost the federally protected right to abortion less than a year ago. Less than a year ago he was still supporting a far right anti-choice judge to a federal judiciary position. It took RAND PAUL not supporting the judge's nomination to quash that. The Dem Speaker, Dem Majority Leader, and Dem Caucus Chairman all supported a far right wing anti-choice Democrat against a progressive pro-choice primary challenger, less than a year ago.
  7. Happy birthday Vela! It's true, you aren't the person I thought you were when we first met on this crazy website... As it turned out you're even better! Hope your fairy tale birthday is as magical as you are!
  8. At this point it feels like I'm rooting for Jokic solely to troll Mark Jackson. Also, Lakers suck. Give me NBA Champion Jimmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy
  9. He did have a few good games this series but not when it mattered. That's how Big Game James gets ya
  10. I literally thought Philly only had 6 points in the entire 3rd quarter, no idea where they got those other 4 at the end I must have missed it while rewinding to laugh at the clown show. That was the #1 wildest Harden playoff collapse I have ever seen, and there have been some very strong contenders. I still remember him being benched for Corey Brewer in the 4th quarter, and the game where everyone was openly wondering afterward whether he was playing through a concussion or had been bribed to take a dive, and the 27 straight missed 3's.... This was another concussion style game. He didn't even look old, just absolutely all the way completely fucked up. I honestly couldn't believe it when he came back in the game mere seconds after being benched halfway through that third quarter. Leave his ass sitting down for at least a few minutes and see if someone else can do something got dam. Looked like he was choking on anxiety and qualuudes and early onset CTE and idek what else all at once. If it was anyone else it would be mystifying and deeply concerning, but we've seen this before with him. This is just playoff James Harden.
  11. Only to the rest of us, not the best of us.
  12. Hmm, what about a Festivus-style airing of grievances celebration, like a speak your piece retrospective of everyone saying what they remember and spinning yarns of memorable old threads and postings
  13. Many such cases
  14. We are witnessing a vintage James Harden Game 7 right now. Just absolutely tremendous stuff.
  15. I heard they're censoring animated adult male ass now on Adult Swim
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