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Walter Von Moo Moo

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Everything posted by Walter Von Moo Moo

  1. Think of an espresso pot. Use it over a very low flame and it will brew some coffee. Use it over a high flame and your walls will be splattered with coffee. You can control a gas flame. You can't control the heat output on an electric stove. The electric stove is either on or off, there's no high or low setting.
  2. So, what about the cake incident? Was the baker right or wrong?
  3. So, when I see a bumper sticker I don't agree with, should that driver be told to keep the car off public roads? Or a hat in a restaurant? A pin in a book store? Ignore it. That's what I do.
  4. They were not protesting or demonstrating. Hats only, no different from my Gorillaz tee shirt. My point is that security should have just stayed silent. They had no business harassing those students.
  5. So, in a place of public accommodation, a person could be refused service because of displayed political or social opinions?
  6. Or just any group at all with identifying items. A hat, a pin, a printed tee shirt or maybe they all wear the same blazer.
  7. So, would the Smithsonian also say as much to the Shriners? Why not just silence, instead?
  8. Imagine if the Smithsonian didn't care, either. No news article, no post about it and nobody with anything to talk about over the water cooler.
  9. https://www.foxcarolina.com/2023/02/01/faith-based-law-firm-represent-5-greenville-students-after-incident-national-museum/
  10. Nationallighting.net Url blocked, listed as deceptive. I wonder what a lightbulb maker would be up to that is too sinister for three browsers to accept.
  11. If you like this, you can buy the album on Amazon
  12. Somebody I know has acquired a 3D printer. It's the next best thing to alchemy. Certain things that would take months of cruising stores and sifting through eBay to find can now be fabricated in a few hours. It became a cash cow for him and a convenience for me.
  13. They're just income.
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