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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. I have a crack screen. Eldy wants to get me a new one but I feel bad about it, even though he makes more money than me. lol what kind do you want.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdo9cG3bI2Q
  3. I hope they'd punch alot of people there.
  4. Just someone who is a bit more privileged more than others.
  5. Punching Nazi's has been a long rich tradition in the history of this nation. It's arguably one of the most patriotic things an American can do. Yet somehow, some guys think its ok to bring this bullshit back. Infamously so Alt-right leader Richard Spencer, who made a speech at Washington D.C. saying we should consider genocide against certain minority groups. Well some noble, admirable, and true patriotic citizens thought "FUCK THAT", were gonna protest the shit of out of him. And member of an anarchist group who were protesting during the inauguration managed to land a fist in is FACE!!! :beer: :420: <3 NOW ITS MEME GOLD!!!! So many remixes, so my many different videos. Post the videos that you enjoy, they're is plenty of variety of the punch with different anime themes playing, funny graphics, and different genres of music. Because everyone hates Nazi's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyG16sAemLM&sns=fb
  6. It does , 5 days a week? I agree, I advocate for more things open late, there is also a large community of insomniacs.
  7. It's time to du du-d-d-d dueeellll. Or probably wrong game. Yass EXACTLY, when I ask questions, I try to be friendly about it person, most of the time I'm curious about things. And i'm not so trusting easily of things, so it pisses people off when I question things. But most of the time I laugh at everything! Its why i used to type "ha ha" alot in my old posts. -_'
  8. If you don't mind me asking, what are your hours, just daily, like usual start and finish time?
  9. River world? No its not it, but this is what comes to mind with creepy Mark Twain, Samuel L Clemmins movie.
  10. Cause you work at night?
  11. I guess i I were to be honest, at first I wanted to be liked. Now I don't particularly have a motive other than total confusion of the universe and shocked disbelief at terror humans are capable just so they can feel better. But my complete mental decay comes off as, "a bitch" to many lately. Hmm meh, its not the worst thing, if I was trying to convey how I really am, I feel like a wandering corrupted spirit, shouting into a large canyon at bullshit I see.
  12. How many people do have to die for it to be an issue to concern America, people are already getting beaten up and punched, I'm not gonna wait and see, cause I don't think thats good enough for true innocents. I already had someone threaten to lynch me, sooo its not that far off. http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/10/us/post-election-hate-crimes-and-fears-trnd/
  13. *Insert pic of donald dump winning the election.
  14. Do you haz favorite era?
  15. I like the steampunk innvotations, but I would love to be in Venice during the baroque age, it was super wealthy with trade and full of artists, but be able to come back to modern times.
  16. True dat homie. Also openly experimenting with drugs was more socially acceptable, although, I strongly suggest follow the don't do it unless it grows from the ground.
  17. To preserve their historical value!
  18. Much more interesting than mine, mine are just playing with filters but I enjoy friends animals.
  19. #notallfedoras I agree, the fedora hate has got to stop.
  20. In this subject, ok then, I won't be in the medieval era anyway. >.> *takes some medieval treasures* <.<
  21. I'm thankful for coffee natural vitamin rich concealer and organic bb cream My year's fashion choices: cute sunglasses, skinny pants, cool jacket Understanding teachers Grandma my fiance my ipod and new friends at school.
  22. I'm curious by nature cause I like to educate myself. >.>
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