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Invisible man

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Everything posted by Invisible man

  1. It's funny when you've been gone for awhile and come back to see people who were relatively well liked be hated. I'm so out of the loop it even took me a min to realize that free for all was archived. Guess I need to pop in more often, that being said good to see you guys.
  2. I've always found you and the things that happen to you very interesting.
  3. I think another valuable asset is that most jobs are going to go away and be replaced with machines. This is fact and will not stop at all so people can talk all they want about creating jobs but there will be less and less available for people in general which will only make people think they need to do things they wouldn't normally do to survive. I agree that greed did exist pre money but I think overall it would be worth a shot because most people are decent and would only take what they need.
  4. Deep breaths seem to work best for most people. Especially if you cup your hands around your mouth and nose.
  5. Damn man I forgot all about you, you still super paranoid or have you chilled out a bit?
  6. I can't see him going back, if he wasn't able to get what he wanted in AEW he's going to get even less in WWE.
  7. Anyone watching the elimination chamber right now? I thought about it but decided to pass.
  8. I was once in a car for work with 4 other people, I was in the backseat behind the passenger while we were driving on the highway and the guy driving actually fell asleep at the wheel. He had sunglasses on so the passenger didn't notice. Almost hit another car.
  9. While that is true I think we could agree that in general if basic needs were being met like food, water and shelter then most crime and corruption would go away. Another aspect of it would be that everyone helps doing everything but only for specific period of time. If you only spent 1 month working wether it be one job or various jobs and had the rest of the time to do what you really love I would think you wouldn't be very quick to give that up. While it wouldn't be a immediate end all bad things answer taking the power and money out of corporations hands would be a great thing for all of us.
  10. I'll watch season 4 and hope it's better but we'll see. The first season was great and the second season was pretty good.
  11. You didn't really miss anything. Besides him thinking he's so much better than Love and saying the same things over and over again in his head. It was a struggle to finish it.
  12. Being mistaken for a lowly janitor who thinks he better then everyone else. Rough but I guess understandable seeing as how I've been gone for a while. Nice try though, although that's only if this was directed towards me. If not my bad.
  13. Season 3 of you wasn't that good.
  14. What's the youngest you can die of old age? That's what I'm thinking about
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